Sunday, February 27, 2011
Black History Month Worship Service @ Tinney Chapel

Click on any image above to view it in larger format or click on the arrow below to view the video of Rev. Mayvone Moton & Rev. DeVaughn Moton's musical worship.
It's Black History Month Worship
Time Again At Tinney Chapel UMC
Every year, our church attempts to schedule something very special during February to honor Black History Month, and this often involves our Christian brothers and sisters at Hynson Chapel CME Chuch in downtown Winnsboro.
This year, Hynson Chapel's Rev. DeVaughn Moton had already participated in Tinney Chapel's UMC Pastors Chili Cookoff, an event to benefit the worldwide "Imagine No Malaria" Campaign.
Today, Rev. DeVaughn Moton and his wife, Rev. Mayvone Moton, also of Hynson Chapel CME in Winnsboro, were the main speakers at Tinney Chapel's annual Black History Month Worship service.
Other than participation by our church's pianist Molly Mathis, songleader David Stanton and kids time chair Georgia Goggans, today's entire service was conducted by the Motons after they were introduced by Tinney Chapel Pastor, Rev. Sue Gross.
Perhaps the most welcome surprise of the day came early in the service when both the Motons performed a wonderful musical team testimony, singing, while emphasizing their love for Jesus and their thanks to Him for all He has done for them (and the rest of us).
At one point in this event, Rev. DeVaughn Moton called on the congregation to join in and: "Let's all tell Jesus we love Him."
This unique musical worship may be viewed by clicking the arrow on the video which can be found elsewhere on this Weblog post.
In addition, commentary (including more videos) about each of the two Pastor Moton sermons for this Black History worship service may be found on nearby Weblog posts.
It was an unforgettable day.
Black History Month Sermon by Rev. Mayvone Moton @ Tinney Chapel

Click on any image above to view it in larger format or click on the arrow below to view the video of Rev. Mayvone Moton's sermon.
God Has A Message For Everyone
Preached Today @ Tinney Chapel
Rev. Mayvone Moton prefaced her message today by explaining how God always speaks to her in her quiet time, often at 4 am and waking her up when she'd rather sleep. But that's when God wants to give her ideas for her preaching topic.
She told how she must get up at that time, when God wants her full attention, and pay close attention, while also taking notes for that day's sermon presentation.
Today, her message for Black History Month Worship was based on John 10:10, which compares the mission of a thief who comes only to steal, while Jesus came with a mission that we might all have life, and--here, she made a strong emphasis--that we might have it more abundantly!
Jesus came, Rev. Moton emphasized, and allowed Himself to be crucified, to die for our sins and to be resurrected. It was not forced upon Jesus. He allowed it to happen.
Rev. Moton believes that God communicates with all of us in different ways that suit His purpose--and ours. The way He communicates with you will doubtless be different from the way He communicates with someone else.
With Rev. Moton, God keeps it simple, direct: Right to the point.
For Rev. Moton, Jesus' intent that we all should have abundant lives can be compared with a baked potato, either plain Jane (with no tasty toppings) or one that is "loaded" with all the extras. Rev. Moton believes that Jesus thinks it's OK for us to have lives like that: loaded with lots of purpose-filled extra toppings. No plain-Jane lives for Rev. Moton, nor for Jesus either, she emphasized. Jesus wants us to learn things at Sunday School, to be inspired at worship service, to enjoy good lives: Abundant lives.
When people ask Rev. Moton how she is, her reply is also simple and to the point: "Blessed."
It's Black History Month, emphasized Rev. Moton, who referred to Rev. Dr. Martin L. King's "I Have A Dream" speech, in which he longed for the day when his own children would be judged not by the color of their skins, but by the content of their characters.
Jesus commands us to love one another! Not to judge one another, added Rev. Moton: Not to judge by skin color, economic status or things of that nature. After all, she noted: We are all created in the image of God.
Meanwhile, Rev. Moton acknowledged that racism is alive and well in the world today, and not just against black people, but also against people's sexuality and other criteria that is off limits when it comes to the command of the Lord Jesus: We are to love one another.
It's up to God's people to change all that racism and lack of love in the world, added Rev. Moton. If allowed to, racism can steal our very spirituality!
So, let's not judge. Instead, let us all love one another, and do so unconditionally, just as Jesus loves. Let's all be a part of something great in this life. This abundant life.
And, never forget that we are all part of One Body!
Only 7 pounds of difference between us, preached @ Tinney Chapel

Click on any image above to view it in larger format or click on the arrow below to view the video of Rev. DeVaughn Moton's sermon.
Only 7 pounds of difference between the races,
preached today @ Tinney Chapel UMC
Rev. DeVaughn Moton's preliminary remarks caught the attention of this primarily white congregation at Tinney Chapel UMC, although several African-Americans were also in attendance: Members of the speaker's church, Hynson Chapel CME, in downtown Winnsboro.
"There's only seven pounds of difference between us, between people of differing races," he emphasized. "And, studies confirm that the average weight of a human being's skin is only about seven pounds."
Otherwise, declared Rev. Moton, we are all the same!
He said that his DNA is similar to the DNA of any male from another race, except for the distinctive markings that make each individual unique.
We are all the same in that all of us have sinned.
We will all die, he added: It's an appointment that everyone must keep.
Meanwhile, God demands the same from each of us, and that's 100%: You can't get by with giving only 99.5% to God. He demands our full 100%.
Further, there are no degrees of sin: No small sins versus big sins. Sin is sin!
Don't forget that one's name can be in the Book of Life at one point, but then erased, and that's Scriptural.
Sin can make you incapable of receiving your blessing.
Sin can modify God's dealings with you.
Jesus' sacrifice was for all, not just for a privileged few.
Further, God makes it possible for us to do all things, and that, too, is Scriptural.
It's important for us to understand when we are under attack by Satan. And, don't forget that racial issues make Satan happy.
Always remember that whether rich, poor, black, white or otherwise, there is really no difference between us. Just that silly seven pounds of difference!
(At this point, Rev. DeVaughn Moton concluded his sermon, and his wife, Rev. Mayvone Moton rose to issue the service's invitation for faith, healing, hope, happiness or anything else. Rev. DeVaughn moved to the piano where he played softly during his wife's invitation call, as she spoke gently: It's time to get your life straight with Jesus Christ, to get your business straight with Him. Come, even if all you need is a little extra strength to get by, she added. Eventually, Rev. Mayvone concluded with: Let the record show that the doors of the church were opened. Now, let's all sing our closing hymn: Blessed Assurance.)
Saturday, February 26, 2011
UMC Pastors Chili Cookoff earns over $1,042 for "Imagine No Malaria" Campaign

Click on image above to view it in larger format.
Methodist Pastors Cook Chili @ Tinney Chapel
to Eradicate Malaria from the face of the earth
Six pastors cooked chili for the big Cookoff at Tinney Chapel on Saturday, Feb. 26, where the public was invited to taste all the offerings and donate money to their favorites, in a blind, numbered event so that no one knew which pastor's chili they were voting for.
All proceeds were earmarked for the United Methodist worldwide campaign, "Imagine No Malaria," intended to eradicate this dreaded disease from the face of the earth:
At today's event at Tinney Chapel UMC, the total contributions came to $1,042.00 and change.
Winners in the Cookoff were, first place, Rev. Susan Gross, Tinney Chapel; second place, Rev. Henry Suche, Pickton UMC, and third place, Rev. Reid Fade, FUMC Winnsboro.
Other pastors in the competition: Rev. De'Vaugh Moton, Hynson Chapel CME of Winnsboro, Rev. Pete Adrian of FUMC Mt. Vernon and Rev. Tim Marks of the North Texas Conference's East District.
A "house chili" was prepared by Tinney Chapel member Alicia Moore and a "house stew" was prepared by Tinney Chapel member Carolyn Newton. Desserts and iced tea were provided by the ladies of Tinney Chapel.
Entertainment was provided by the nationally famous gospel group, The Southern Plainsmen.
Southern Plainsmen Assist Tinney Chapel In Campaign To “Imagine No Malaria”

Click on any image above to view it in larger format or click on arrow elsewhere (at bottom of this post) to view a video of part of the Southern Plainsmen Quartet performance.
Southern Plainsmen Assist Tinney Chapel
In Campaign To “Imagine No Malaria”
The touring Southern Plainsmen Quartet, Marcelle Slaughter, Jordan Mothershed, Allen Doyle and Mike Burkhalter, in their second appearance at Tinney Chapel in as many months, sang to a mixed-church congregation today, Saturday, Feb. 26, at a United Methodist Chili Cookoff, organized to benefit “Imagine No Malaria,” a worldwide campaign to end this dreaded disease once and for all.
The Cookoff featured chili cooked by six pastors from as many churches, and each brought a following to encourage and, hopefully, help them win the title of best chili cook. See separate entry on this Weblog for the results of that competition.
Meanwhile, the Southern Plainsmen brought this diverse crowd to its feet with their patented, jazzed-up, syncopated version of "Love Lifted Me," a unique number they used to warm up the quintessential country church at our Christmas concert a few weeks ago.
As the concert program began to unfold, with Allen Doyle leading his memorable version of “Sweet Beulah Land” and Jordan Mothershed leading “Headed Home,” tonight’s congregation was firmly under the musical spell of this enthusiastic example of Southern sacred group harmony, which has now made its third appearance here.
Once again, many in this United Methodist congregation had ample reason to think of John Wesley, Methodism's founder, when the Plainsmen sang its distinctive version of "It Is Well With My Soul."
This time, let’s just say that their rousing version of “O What A Savior”—a song which could function as the Plainsmen’s group testimony--compensated for any lack of direct reference to the Original Methodist, John Wesley.
Two key people also contributed to the outstanding performance, neither of whom actually sang in the quartet: soundman Aaron Allen and all-around roadie Spencer Fisher, each receiving high praise for his efforts from group leader Slaughter.
Other memorable performances on this evening: “Jesus Has Risen,” “Say A Little Prayer,” “A Personal Savior,” and, one of their special numbers “Come And Get Me Lord And Carry Me Home.”
Marcelle Slaughter, a veteran of 32 years with this group, and the only remaining member of the original aggregation, is the Plainsmen's first tenor, or as they used to say in the old days of gospel quartets, the "high tenor," reminiscent of the sound once championed by "Sister" Loy Hooker, a much earlier exponent. In a post concert conversation two years ago, Slaughter admitted to remembering Hooker, but added: "That really was a LONG time ago!" And, indeed it was.
In a humorous introduction of Slaughter tonight, Plainsmen bass singer Mike Burkhalter said, among other things, that “Marcelle sings the little girl’s part real well.” But this was said not only as humor but also with a great deal of musical respect, as vocalists with Slaughter’s range are few and far between, and his fellow quartet members appear to understand this very well and also to respect him as the group’s business manager.
Group leader Slaughter later told the congregation how to follow the Plainsmen on the Internet:
“If you are on Facebook, we now have a Facebook page called, Southern Plainsmen,” he added.
But, as always with this group, no report of their concert would be complete without mention of the marvelous, unforgettable song, led by Allen Doyle, called “Faces,” which tells us that when we all see Jesus, one of the things He has in store for us is a kind of PowerPoint collage of all the faces each of us have influenced in some Christ-like manner during our Christian walks on this earth.
As if saving the best for last, the final song was a truly over-the-top and very fast-moving song, “Getting Ready To Leave This World,” that highlighted all four harmonic parts of the group.
It was indeed a concert to remember, and you can view a small part of it via the video provided elsewhere, immediately below, on this Weblog post.
David Stanton is Tinney Chapel's Newest Certified Lay Speaker

Click on any image to view it in larger format.
David Stanton Moves From Local Church Lay Speaker
To Certified Lay Speaker In Record Time @ Tinney Chapel
It seems only yesterday (Dec. 8, actually) that David Stanton proclaimed his debut sermon as a Local Church Lay Speaker at Tinney Chapel.
At that time, David's topic was "Joseph, Father Of Jesus," and was part of our church's 2010 Advent Worship series.
The previous month, November, 2010, David had received his personalized copy of the United Methodist Book Of Worship, a gift from the church for his willingness to serve as a Local Church Lay Speaker. (Each of our church's other Lay Speakers also received this gift earlier: Roger Schneider, Angela Wylie and Joe Dan Boyd.) This presentation ceremony (by Pastor Sue Gross) followed David's successful completion of the North Texas Conference Lay Speaker Basic Course, taught at Bonham.
More recently, David completed an Advanced Course in Lay Speaking, one that focused on Adult Bible Study, something that has occupied much of David's time during his 11-year tenure at Tinney Chapel UMC, the quintessential country church.
David has not only taken every adult Bible Study course offered here, but has led or co-led most of them. Why David tarried so long in obtaining his Lay Speaker credentials is anyone's guess. It's clear that he has been no stranger to Lay Speaking, albeit without portfolio for several years, and is currently scheduled to be in the Tinney Chapel pulpit on April 5 for one of the 2011 Lenten Worship sermons. His topic then will be based on Luke 13:6-9, and you do not want to miss it.
Among David Stanton's many contributions to our church are the following few selected examples: Finance Chair, Building Committee Chair (for our 8000' Family Life Center), Lay Leader of our church and Member of Annual Conference.
In addition, David currently serves as East District Associate Lay Leader and appears destined for even higher positions.
Finally, David Stanton is the ultimate go-to guy when anything goes wrong or needs doing quickly and correctly. He is an Air Force veteran of the Vietnam War, during which time he served as a pilot, and later taught at Columbia University before going into the food service business, from which he and spouse Mollie only recently retired.
Congratulations, David, on this, your most recent example of Christian Discipleship. You are an inspiration to all, and a treasure beyond price!
Preach it, my brother!
Monday, February 21, 2011
Public Invited: The Great Clergy Chili Cookoff @ Tinney Chapel, Saturday, Feb. 26, 5:30 pm

Click on the above image to view it in larger format.
To learn more about Imagine No Malaria, go to:
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Tinney Chapel's Georgia Goggans embarks on 3-day Walk To Emmaus Pilgrimage

Click on any image above to view it in larger format or click on the arrow below to view a video of Georgia and her friends at the Pilgrim Prayer Chapel.
Tinney Chapel Pilgrim Georgia Goggans embarks on 3-day Walk To Emmaus
Photos by Joe Dan Boyd
Video by David Stanton
Thursday evening, Feb. 17, 2011, was the pre-walk "Sendoff" for the latest Tinney Chapel Pilgrim via Northeast Texas (NET) Emmaus Women's Walk: Georgia Goggans, who was escorted to the event at Lone Star by sponsors: Mollie Stanton and Peggy Boyd, along with other Emmaus Alumni David Stanton and Carolyn Beavers.
In addition, Joe Dan Boyd, also a 1995 veteran of the Walk To Emmaus, but in the Dallas Emmaus Community, accompanied the delegation to the Bo Pilgrim Prayer Chapel in Pittsburg to spend a while inside for prayer and reading the Emmaus Walk Scripture, Luke 24:13-35, while also admiring the beautiful stained glass panels. See separate pictures on this Weblog post.
Outside, the Pilgrim posed for pictures at the famous Divine Servant sculpture and "helped" the Lord Jesus wash the feet of the Apostle Peter. During this time, Peggy Boyd read the Scripture from John's Gospel about Jesus washing the feet of His Disciples. Please see the photo collage, and other images above, for an idea of how all this happened. Just visiting the sculpture is an awe-inspiring occasion. This can be especially true when one is about to embark upon an intense, often life-changing, 72-hour journey of spiritual renewal, such as the Walk To Emmaus.
Tinney Chapel UMC Communications Coordinator Boyd did not accompany the group to the pre-walk Sendoff because of a recent unfortunate decision by the NET Emmaus Board of Directors which prohibits photos of this Sendoff event, even though the Walk itself does not begin (in this writer's opinion) until the end of Sendoff.
Boyd is protesting this board decision, and--in the meantime--has chosen not to attend future meetings of NET Emmaus as a form of protest for a decision which not only prevents a UMC Communications Coordinator from doing his job, but is also not in the best interests of the overall Emmaus image. For more on this topic, see March Tinney Talk, which will appear as a later post on this Weblog.
Once at the Emmaus Sendoff site, all hands from our church typically enjoy a covered dish meal, help to encourage Tinney Chapel UMC’s latest Pilgrim (in this case, Georgia Goggans), including a personalized drinking cup made by a member of our church's Emmaus Alumni, and others from all over Northeast Texas, then spend time praying for the success of each Pilgrim on the Walk, which will continue through the early evening of Sunday, February 20. Unfortunately, we have no pictures from Sendoff for reasons stated earlier.
The intense 72-hour event of spiritual renewal, known as The Walk To Emmaus, often changes lives (as it did for this writer), routinely creates new interest in personal ministry and frequently jump starts the gradual development of newly energized church leaders.
Please pray for the success of our own Tinney Chapel Pilgrim on this Walk: Georgia Goggans, who has become--among other things--Tinney Chapel's chairperson of Kids Time during Sunday morning worship when she delivers the sermon for children.
For more images and narrative about the Divine Servant sculpture, go to the following Weblog link:
For the Divine Servant website itself, go to:
A Divine Servant Detour on the Walk To Emmaus for Georgia Goggans

Click on above image to view it in larger format or click on arrow below to view a video of Georgia and her Emmaus friends at the Divine Servant bronze statue in Pittsburg, Texas, @ Pilgrim Prayer Chapel.
Georgia Goggans @ the Divine Servant statue in Pittsburg, Texas,
en route to the Walk To Emmaus with friends from Tinney Chapel UMC
Photos by Joe Dan Boyd
Video by David Stanton
John 13 (New International Version, ©2010)
John 13
Jesus Washes His Disciples’ Feet
1 It was just before the Passover Festival. Jesus knew that the hour had come for him to leave this world and go to the Father. Having loved his own who were in the world, he loved them to the end.
2 The evening meal was in progress, and the devil had already prompted Judas, the son of Simon Iscariot, to betray Jesus. 3 Jesus knew that the Father had put all things under his power, and that he had come from God and was returning to God; 4 so he got up from the meal, took off his outer clothing, and wrapped a towel around his waist. 5 After that, he poured water into a basin and began to wash his disciples’ feet, drying them with the towel that was wrapped around him.
6 He came to Simon Peter, who said to him, “Lord, are you going to wash my feet?”
7 Jesus replied, “You do not realize now what I am doing, but later you will understand.”
8 “No,” said Peter, “you shall never wash my feet.”
Jesus answered, “Unless I wash you, you have no part with me.”
9 “Then, Lord,” Simon Peter replied, “not just my feet but my hands and my head as well!”
10 Jesus answered, “Those who have had a bath need only to wash their feet; their whole body is clean. And you are clean, though not every one of you.” 11 For he knew who was going to betray him, and that was why he said not every one was clean.
12 When he had finished washing their feet, he put on his clothes and returned to his place. “Do you understand what I have done for you?” he asked them. 13 “You call me ‘Teacher’ and ‘Lord,’ and rightly so, for that is what I am. 14 Now that I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also should wash one another’s feet.
Resource site for this Scripture:
Tuesday, February 08, 2011
East District UMC Clarifies Limited Leadership Training for 2011

Click on the image above to view it in larger format.
District Office Reschedules Annual Leadership Training For SPRC Chairs, Clergy and Connecting Conversations Laity Only
In a recent flyer distributed by the East District Office, the following
clarifications are in place for limited "re-scheduling" of Annual
Leadership Training in 2011.
For SPRC Chairs, Clergy & Connecting Conversations Laity ONLY:
February 20th @ FUMC, Sulphur Springs
February 27th @ Wesley UMC, Greenville
Persons in these leadership categories should mark their calendars and plan to attend one of the two dates listed.
"We are sorry that the weather forced cancellation of the much anticipated annual District Leadership Training event on February 5th," according to the District flyer. "Unfortunately it is almost impossible to coordinate rescheduling the entire event between the District Superintendent's calendar and the calendars of our workshop leaders. We look forward to trying again in 2012."
Bottom Line: Is the Training Day rescheduled?
Answer: Only for those leadership categories mentioned above!
For more information or additional clarification, contact the East District Office:
PO Box 1326, Sulphur Springs, TX 75483-1326.
301 Church Street, Suite 2, Sulphur Springs, TX 75482.
Phone: 903-439-1117.
Fax: 903-439-1027.
District website:
Sunday, February 06, 2011
Communion Worship: Tent Dwelling Preached @ Tinney Chapel Today

Click on any image to view it in larger format.
Click on the arrow above to view a video of most of Pastor Sue's sermon. (Our Weblog limits us to a maximum file of 100 MB, so the video is a bit short of the actual sermon delivery length.)
Psalm 15 (New International Version, ©2010)
Psalm 15
A psalm of David.
1 LORD, who may dwell in your sacred tent?
Who may live on your holy mountain?
2 The one whose walk is blameless,
who does what is righteous,
who speaks the truth from their heart;
3 whose tongue utters no slander,
who does no wrong to a neighbor,
and casts no slur on others;
4 who despises a vile person
but honors those who fear the LORD;
who keeps an oath even when it hurts,
and does not change their mind;
5 who lends money to the poor without interest;
who does not accept a bribe against the innocent.
Whoever does these things
will never be shaken.
A Psalm 15 resource website may be found at: