Thursday, February 17, 2011


Tinney Chapel's Georgia Goggans embarks on 3-day Walk To Emmaus Pilgrimage

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Tinney Chapel Pilgrim Georgia Goggans embarks on 3-day Walk To Emmaus

Photos by Joe Dan Boyd
Video by David Stanton

Thursday evening, Feb. 17, 2011, was the pre-walk "Sendoff" for the latest Tinney Chapel Pilgrim via Northeast Texas (NET) Emmaus Women's Walk: Georgia Goggans, who was escorted to the event at Lone Star by sponsors: Mollie Stanton and Peggy Boyd, along with other Emmaus Alumni David Stanton and Carolyn Beavers.

In addition, Joe Dan Boyd, also a 1995 veteran of the Walk To Emmaus, but in the Dallas Emmaus Community, accompanied the delegation to the Bo Pilgrim Prayer Chapel in Pittsburg to spend a while inside for prayer and reading the Emmaus Walk Scripture, Luke 24:13-35, while also admiring the beautiful stained glass panels. See separate pictures on this Weblog post.

Outside, the Pilgrim posed for pictures at the famous Divine Servant sculpture and "helped" the Lord Jesus wash the feet of the Apostle Peter. During this time, Peggy Boyd read the Scripture from John's Gospel about Jesus washing the feet of His Disciples. Please see the photo collage, and other images above, for an idea of how all this happened. Just visiting the sculpture is an awe-inspiring occasion. This can be especially true when one is about to embark upon an intense, often life-changing, 72-hour journey of spiritual renewal, such as the Walk To Emmaus.

Tinney Chapel UMC Communications Coordinator Boyd did not accompany the group to the pre-walk Sendoff because of a recent unfortunate decision by the NET Emmaus Board of Directors which prohibits photos of this Sendoff event, even though the Walk itself does not begin (in this writer's opinion) until the end of Sendoff.

Boyd is protesting this board decision, and--in the meantime--has chosen not to attend future meetings of NET Emmaus as a form of protest for a decision which not only prevents a UMC Communications Coordinator from doing his job, but is also not in the best interests of the overall Emmaus image. For more on this topic, see March Tinney Talk, which will appear as a later post on this Weblog.

Once at the Emmaus Sendoff site, all hands from our church typically enjoy a covered dish meal, help to encourage Tinney Chapel UMC’s latest Pilgrim (in this case, Georgia Goggans), including a personalized drinking cup made by a member of our church's Emmaus Alumni, and others from all over Northeast Texas, then spend time praying for the success of each Pilgrim on the Walk, which will continue through the early evening of Sunday, February 20. Unfortunately, we have no pictures from Sendoff for reasons stated earlier.

The intense 72-hour event of spiritual renewal, known as The Walk To Emmaus, often changes lives (as it did for this writer), routinely creates new interest in personal ministry and frequently jump starts the gradual development of newly energized church leaders.

Please pray for the success of our own Tinney Chapel Pilgrim on this Walk: Georgia Goggans, who has become--among other things--Tinney Chapel's chairperson of Kids Time during Sunday morning worship when she delivers the sermon for children.

For more images and narrative about the Divine Servant sculpture, go to the following Weblog link:

For the Divine Servant website itself, go to:

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