Sunday, February 27, 2011
Only 7 pounds of difference between us, preached @ Tinney Chapel

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Only 7 pounds of difference between the races,
preached today @ Tinney Chapel UMC
Rev. DeVaughn Moton's preliminary remarks caught the attention of this primarily white congregation at Tinney Chapel UMC, although several African-Americans were also in attendance: Members of the speaker's church, Hynson Chapel CME, in downtown Winnsboro.
"There's only seven pounds of difference between us, between people of differing races," he emphasized. "And, studies confirm that the average weight of a human being's skin is only about seven pounds."
Otherwise, declared Rev. Moton, we are all the same!
He said that his DNA is similar to the DNA of any male from another race, except for the distinctive markings that make each individual unique.
We are all the same in that all of us have sinned.
We will all die, he added: It's an appointment that everyone must keep.
Meanwhile, God demands the same from each of us, and that's 100%: You can't get by with giving only 99.5% to God. He demands our full 100%.
Further, there are no degrees of sin: No small sins versus big sins. Sin is sin!
Don't forget that one's name can be in the Book of Life at one point, but then erased, and that's Scriptural.
Sin can make you incapable of receiving your blessing.
Sin can modify God's dealings with you.
Jesus' sacrifice was for all, not just for a privileged few.
Further, God makes it possible for us to do all things, and that, too, is Scriptural.
It's important for us to understand when we are under attack by Satan. And, don't forget that racial issues make Satan happy.
Always remember that whether rich, poor, black, white or otherwise, there is really no difference between us. Just that silly seven pounds of difference!
(At this point, Rev. DeVaughn Moton concluded his sermon, and his wife, Rev. Mayvone Moton rose to issue the service's invitation for faith, healing, hope, happiness or anything else. Rev. DeVaughn moved to the piano where he played softly during his wife's invitation call, as she spoke gently: It's time to get your life straight with Jesus Christ, to get your business straight with Him. Come, even if all you need is a little extra strength to get by, she added. Eventually, Rev. Mayvone concluded with: Let the record show that the doors of the church were opened. Now, let's all sing our closing hymn: Blessed Assurance.)