Wednesday, May 12, 2010


Let's Rock: Mt. Vernon FUMC Youth Musical @ Tinney Chapel

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Let's Rock: A Children's Musical performed @ Tinney Chapel

To set the scene, imagine a local park with a church youth choir on site for a day of clean-up public service work.

But, everyone there knows that a famous Christian rock singer, Max Rockanelli, is likely to show up for some work on his latest music video. So, everyone starts thinking about their individual chances to be discovered for a part in the rock star's music video. Bottom line: Thoughts of sugarplums, fame and fortune.

Once Max arrives, things start to change, as he teaches the youth a valuable lesson about the importance of using individual gifts for God's purpose. Max reminds them that God anointed each with individual talents, and so God expects that those talents will be used accordingly.

It becomes a lesson about the Christian life not being a solo act, but living as part of the Body of Christ.

In the course of about 45 minutes, these talented youth from Mt. Vernon, less than 20 miles north of Winnsboro, do a lot of shaking, high fives, soft rock and the like, wearing at times hard hats and star-crossed sunshades. They sing, they play, they act and they testify.

Actual Scripture is read and discussed, including Psalm 139:16 and verses from 1 Peter 4, while helping to make a case for every individual to participate, although not all can sing the melody. Still, all are truly necessary, according to God's Word and some of the music, including songs with messages like You Be You And I'll Be Me and working together for the Lord.

At one point in the script, one of the youth asks Max what it's like to have people scream and yell for you. To which, Max replies that while he used to want that sort of adulation, he no longer does, since he found Christ: Everything changed in my life that day, he explains.

At the end, Tinney Chapel's full house stands for a lengthy applause as each participant is introduced individually.

It's a great lesson, from the mouths of our youth.

For more on the background of this musical and those who developed it, click on the title of this Weblog post at the top of the page, or go to:, copy-pasting it in your browser window if it does not show live on this page.


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