Sunday, April 25, 2010


Tinney Chapel UMC Unplugged!

Click on any image, above, to view it in larger format or click the arrow on the video icon, below, to view Kids Time at Tinney Chapel on this day when we had no electricity.

Tinney Chapel UMC Unplugged

On this Sunday, after an early Saturday storm, the electrical power was still off at Tinney Chapel, the quintessential country church, as it was for most of us who live nearby.

But no one considered canceling anything, so when folks showed up at 449 County Road 4620, not every hair was in place. Nor was every beard perfectly groomed. Some of the ladies were not entirely comfortable about their appearance. A few men had to tuck in their shirts or re-comb their hair.

Flashlights and candles illuminated the otherwise dark rest rooms in the Family Life Center, but Sunday School began on schedule, at 9:30 a.m.

The classrooms reflected sufficiently bright sun from windows, and not even the big auditorium in this 8,000-square-foot building was without enough light to conduct fellowship, although there was no hot coffee.

Still, no one complained. It was a lot like going to the "stormhouse," back in the Old Days of the late 1930s and the decade of the 1940s, where there was never any power and the only light came from a kerosene lantern.

Even the sanctuary itself was always without power during that era of my own childhood at Tinney Chapel, when all the revivals, always held at night, were illuminated either by kerosene lanterns or Aladdin gasoline lamps, strategically positioned throughout the room, with some hanging on nails provided by the original builders of this church in 1900.

It was a combination of excitement and nostalgia on this day, with some even remembering that the only power we really need is that provided by the Holy Spirit, which rained down tongues of fire at Pentecost during the First Century on what is now considered the birthday of the Christian Church.

Georgia Goggans used Pastor Sue's tiny booklight during her sermon at Kids Time, during which she made repeated references to this day's lack of electricity. If you choose to click the arrow to view the video of Georgia's presentation, the dark background will be quite obvious, and her booklight will be very noticeable. But you can still see her face and those of her eager young listeners, with Georgia's strong voice always clear and audible, even under the most difficult circumstances.

As the Worship service ended, the sun had risen higher in the sky, and the congregation decided to stay for the previously scheduled Fourth Sunday Luncheon, and that event also progressed without a hitch as well.

The same could be said for the Trustee meeting called by Bob Deitering, and the DNA Committee meeting, called by Jenna Nelson and Pastor Sue. Members of the DNA Committee brainstormed for another two hours following lunch, adjourning at mid-afternoon, with all members feeling especially empowered in their calling.

It was a day when the electricity was off, but The Power was clearly ON!


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