Saturday, April 14, 2012
Wilderness Survival Class taught in community by Renae Williams

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In case you are interested in future classes by Renae, below is the way she described the one just concluded:
Message from Renae
Have you ever wanted to feel at home in the woods, know how to live with only what the Earth provides, or just connect to your Native Roots? Or perhaps you are an avid outdoors person just wanting to learn more about how to connect deeper to nature or help loved ones feel safer during a natural disaster.
If so then this is the class for you. Learn the basics that all survival is based on. This is a daylong class that will get you hands on building shelters, making a fire by friction, gathering and finding and purifying water.
This class will teach both adults and children. Children must be over five years old and less than 18 years must be accompanied by a guardian. There will be a ten person limit to the class. Cost per adult is $80. Per child under 14 years is $50. Special rates are available for parents who wish their children to join them in class. Bring a lunch and be ready for a day packed with fun and learning!
The class will be 8am to 4 pm in the Winnsboro area.
Private lessons can be arranged.
Call for more details: 903-951-3131 and ask for Renae
Renae is a regular attendee and frequent program presenter at Native American Fellowship meetings held each third Thursday at 7 pm in the Tinney Chapel UMC Family Life Center.