Saturday, February 08, 2014


Celebrate Frankie Brewer's 90th Birthday @ Tinney Chapel Today, Saturday, Feb. 8, 2:30 to 4:30 pm

Come and Go, from 2:30 to 4:30 pm today, Saturday,Feb. 8, @ Tinney Chapel's Family Life Center
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TINNEY TALK, 02-08-14


TINNEY CHAPEL UMC HONORS FRANKIE BREWER TODAY, who celebrates 90 years of life on this planet, in this county and at the quintessential country church, located at 449 County Road 4620, just two miles south of Winnsboro on FM 312, then another quarter mile east on 4620 in the Family Life Center.

FRANKIE CAME TO TINNEY CHAPEL during a long-ago merger with Shady Grove UMC, and she hit the ground running in that era. She has since served Tinney Chapel in just about every capacity one can think of, but is perhaps best known for her tireless leadership of a long-lasting Sunday School Class called The Wise Ones, which became my own Sunday School Class when I returned here in 1997. There I remained until I was called to lead another Tinney Chapel Sunday School Class, then called Pairs and Spares.

FRANKIE CONTINUED TO LEAD THE WISE ONES, sharing her own unique wisdom for many years, and I don’t know how long she had been leading that Class when I returned to the Church of my youth in 1997. Only recently did Frankie choose to dissolve that venerable Class and merge with another Sunday School Class at Tinney Chapel, where she remains one of the pillars who can always be counted on to join in or occasionally lead discussions on this or that Scripture.

HER WORK WITH THE TINNEY CHAPEL LADIES GROUP and memorable participation in a group called OASIS (Older Adults Still In Service) stand out in recent memory. For several years, she cared for her husband, Travis Brewer, a decorated World War II Veteran, who was in declining health during his final years:Frankie’s love and devotion never faltered.

FRANKIE IS THE OLDEST OF THREE SISTERS, all of whom came with her to Tinney Chapel during the merger with Shady Grove UMC. As the eldest, Frankie shared in the upbringing of her two younger sisters, Mary and Imogene. Although Mary passed from this life a few years ago, after many years of her own devoted service to Tinney Chapel, Imogene still attends and serves regularly at the quintessential country church.

HAPPY 90th BIRTHDAY, FRANKIE. Drop by Tinney Chapel today, Saturday, February 8, between 2:30 and 4:30 pm to say hi.

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