Wednesday, May 22, 2013


New Pastor, Rev. Jim Hilton, Begins New Appointment @ Tinney Chapel July 1, 2013

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The Hiltons visited Tinney Chapel UMC, the quintessential country church, today, Wednesday, May 22, to visit in person with members of the S/PPR Committee, which they did for about two hours.

Afterwards, Rev. Jim and Mary agreed to make an introductory video to introduce themselves directly to our congregation. This idea originated from S/PPR Chair Cheryl Ann Newton who approached Joe Dan Boyd and asked him to make it happen, after securing approval from Rev. Carl Sterling, current pastor of our church, and from Rev. Dr. Joan LaBarr, current District Superintendent of the North Texas Conference's East District.
This is the video:

Rev. Jim Hilton & wife Mary Hilton now introduce themselves to the congregation @ Tinney Chapel UMC via the video above

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