Sunday, July 18, 2010


Christians As Optimists Preached @ Tinney Chapel

Click on any image above to view it in larger format or click on the arrow below to view Pastor Sue's sermon on why Christians should be optimists.

Christians Should Be Optimistic

After reading Psalm 121, verses 1 through 8, Pastor Sue Gross asked, rhetorically, how anyone could read that and be a pessimist. Every Christian should be an optimist, she declared.

When trials intervene in life, there are those who react by wanting to lose their religion, while true Christians react by wanting to use their religion.

Among other things, this Psalm assures us that God will provide for us, preserve us and protect us, added Rev. Gross. This applies to all of our problems at home, at church and in the entire nation or even the world. Such answers, assured Pastor Sue, are found only in the Heaven of the Holy God.

Three things we can count on from God in helping us to overcome the fiery trials of life: Security, stability and serenity.

We are reminded in Proverbs 26:10 that our God formed all of Creation, a power sufficiently great to impress anyone. God can do anything in the world, through the world or with the world that He chooses.

He will not allow us to fall. We need not fear sudden panic attacks. Proverbs 3:25 reminds us that God will provide the confidence we need to keep from falling.

The Bible says that the God of Israel will not slumber, so we may be sure that He watches over us 24/7--all the time. He preserves our going out and our coming in.

Like the armor of the warriors of old, God is our protector, literally our shield and our shade. He preserves us from evil, if we love and obey Him, especially the evil that we ourselves might otherwise commit. He protects us from burning heat and blinding light.

Who can doubt that Christians should be optimistic?


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