Wednesday, November 04, 2009


Tinney Chapel UMC Charge Conference 11-04-09

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2009 Charge Conference: “Show and Tell” and “Wonderful Words Of Life”

Pastor Sue Gross opened with prayer and called for the congregation to sing the first verse of Wonderful Words Of Life, before introducing Rev. Dr. Keith Boone, Superintendent of the Paris-Sulphur Springs District, who presided over the Charge Conference.

Gailya Gearner was elected Recording Secretary of the Charge Conference, and Dr. Boone explained the purpose of Holy Conferencing, which he said dates back to 1744, when Rev. John Wesley, considered Methodism’s founder, first presided.

Pastor Sue Gross discussed some of Tinney Chapel’s newest ministries, including a community-wide Christmas Dinner and plans for a Hispanic service for Protestants by Easter.

Georgia Goggans described Tinney Chapel’s attitude toward hospitality by telling how it attracted her family to the church after their arrival to the area in 1994, when they operated a dairy farm. She said they visited seven other churches, but never felt welcome at any until 2006 when they attended, at Ronny Ellison’s invitation, Tinney Chapel’s annual Rural Life Sunday Celebration with their grandchildren.

Despite her positive description of Tinney Chapel hospitality, Georgia wants to see it expanded to include several greeters and additional signs. Another positive report, on Making New Disciples, was presented by Pastor Sue. She says that Tinney Chapel has developed a higher profile in the community over the past year. The Pastor also said that the church’s Wednesday evening Christian Believer Classes contribute mightily to Faith Development, and that one member of that class recently completed the Walk To Emmaus at Lake Sharon.

Mission Outreach is on track this year, as well, reported Pastor Sue, as is Stewardship. She said that 2009 giving has exceeded the pledges made in October, 2008, and the church is in much better financial condition. She also praised recent development, by Alicia Banks Moore, of a Facebook Fan Page and a Twitter account for Tinney Chapel.

David Stanton, Finance Committee Chair, confirmed the church’s excellent financial condition, and attributed much of it to cost-cutting measures over the past year. But, giving has also increased noticeably, he said. Eventually, the Charge Conference approved an amended budget of $76,453.00 for the year 2010.

Lay Leader Ronny Ellison presented a comprehensive Laity Report, which may be viewed in its entirety elsewhere on this Weblog. In other business, Roger Schneider and Gailya Gearner were elected to fill vacancies on the Nominations Committee. Pianist Molly Mathis accompanied the congregation during the singing of three verses of Wonderful Words Of Life, a song selected as appropriate for the theme of this year’s Charge Conference.

Rev. Dr. Boone closed with an outstanding sermon, based on the salvation ministry of Jesus The Christ as portrayed in the Gospel of John.

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