Wednesday, April 29, 2009


Christian Believer Has Returned To Tinney Chapel

Tinney Talk, May, 2009

CHRISTIAN BELIEVER BIBLE STUDY came to Tinney Chapel UMC again on April 29, 2009, as Pastor Sue’s choice for an enhanced 30 weeks of Wednesday evening Bible Study, meeting from 6 pm to 7:30 pm. This is a compromise, since Wednesday evening Bible Study has traditionally met for an hour, while Christian Believer Classes meet for two hours. This new class may also meet for two hours if the members wish.

KNOWING GOD WITH HEART & MIND is the subtitle of this unique study class, appropriately named Christian Believer, now underway for the second time at Tinney Chapel. It’s a memorable journey of discovery and self-discovery for anyone who seeks to understand the faith they already have, and make personal connections between believing and living.

THAT GOD REVEALS HIMSELF TO US in acts of divine self-disclosure is one of the church’s most important doctrines: It’s a doctrine called revelation, and the Bible cites numerous examples. One of the earliest was a burning bush, which caught the attention of a reluctant Moses. Belief that God’s ultimate revelation is in Jesus Christ underpins the faith of every Christian Believer.

THE CHRISTIAN BELIEVER STUDY MANUAL assumes that most of us want to know where we get our ideas about God and other teachings of the church. It is by intent that this Class uses the word doctrine, rather than theology. Doctrine is what the Church has affirmed—-and agreed to teach, so Christian Believer integrates doctrine and Scripture.

COMMITTEED TINNEY CHAPEL SEEKERS will, for the next seven months, be steeped in classical doctrines of the faith, while also pondering the relationship of worship, belief and daily life: Frankie Brewer, Imogene Myers, Gailya Gearner, Josephine Garrett, Harold Lenius, Pat and Derrell Hollingsworth, Joe Dan Boyd and Cheryl Newton.

DURING ITS FIRST INCARNATION AT TINNEY CHAPEL, seven years ago, Christian Believer students included Elaine Graham, Wanda Hardin, Angela Wylie, Joe Dan Boyd, David and Mollie Stanton, Jim and Betty Asbill, Dick and Carolyn Beavers, Tommy Boyd, Sherri Brewer, Donna Futral, George and Sadie Jordan, Danny Lake, Imogene Myers, Bettye Parker, Larry Pendergrass, Ruth Shelton and Nan Williams.

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