Sunday, August 31, 2008
Tinney Chapel Worship 08-31-08
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Tinney Talk, September, 2008

Click on any image to view it in larger format.
Photo by Rev. Dr. Joan LaBarr, NTC Communications Director
TINNEY TALK, Observations by Joe Dan Boyd
THE QUINTESSENTIAL COUNTRY CHURCH is the brand for Tinney Chapel UMC, our 108-year-old assembly of worshippers. Like any other brand, whether seared into the skin of a free-range cow or etched onto the label of a grocery store container, our brand is our leitmotif, broadcasting near and far to one and all that we enjoy a distinctive character, a unique DNA and an identity that cannot be compromised.
WE ARE A RURAL CHURCH, more than willing to model both its meaning and its mission, proudly declaring ourselves to be quintessentially country. What that means to me, or to you, will always vary to reflect the stages of our lives, mirroring the current closeness of our walk with the Lord.
TINNEY CHAPEL WAS FOUNDED, by donation of land, in 1900, from a farmer who recognized that every community needs a church. Very soon, Tinney Chapel became the designation for both a church that was quintessentially country, and a community that was peopled by families who depended, for Life itself, on their covenant with a fervent God and a fertile ground.
BORN & REARED IN ONE OF THOSE FAMILIES, my early worldview found ethos and expression from rural residents intent on wresting a living from a stubborn soil while also mirroring Salt and Light messages from a lamp-lighted country church.
WHAT TINNEY CHAPEL MEANS TO OTHERS often finds its way back to us, as has happened on several occasions with Rev. Fred Durham, North Texas Conference Director of Connectional Ministries, a former District Superintendent, a former mayor of Winnsboro and a former pastor at the quintessential country church.
AS A GUEST PREACHER HERE eight years ago, Oct. 22, 2000, Rev. Durham introduced a friend from far away who had accompanied him here on that revival evening: "I brought my friend along so he could see what a real church is like," Pastor Fred declared. "I'd rather be here, in Winnsboro, Texas, at Tinney Chapel, than anywhere in the world. It's the place of my fondest memories. It's where I feel whole again."
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Tinney Chapel Fourth Sunday Worship & Lunch 08-24-08
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Native American Fellowship Meets at Tinney Chapel 08-21-08
North Texas Conference Official Inspects Facilities at Tinney Chapel
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Tinney Chapel Worship 08-17-08
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Tinney Chapel Worship 08-10-08
Wednesday, August 06, 2008
A Miraculous Bible Study For Tinney Chapel Kids

Click on each of the four image segments above to view in larger format.
All Words & Pictures in this post are by Angela Wylie.
FROM BEHIND THE CAMERA, an essay by Angela Wylie
From an observer's viewpoint, the 2008 Tinney Chapel Bible School was a wonderful experience for both adults and the nine children that attended. Sometimes, small groups are best for interaction and education.
Day one began with the children learning about leprosy and the resulting ostracism that occurred in Biblical times. The lesson was learned that of the people that were healed of leprosy by Jesus, only one returned to thank Him. The point was that we should be thankful, not only for Jesus, but for the people in our lives that care for us.
The day proceeded with a lab where the children made their own test tubes filled with colored goo of their choice. Then, it was to the bubble pool where the children took turns being turned into living science experiments. They were each encased in a huge bubble and several took turns pulling the bubbles up over their friends. Pastor Sue even got into the action.
There was singing and dancing and, of course, refreshments, and everyone enjoyed themselves.
Day Two began with the children being allowed to blow up a balloon if they had done their 'gratitude ' homework. The special balloon bin was filled to overflowing.
The children were allowed to conduct a special experiment where they created their own silly puddy type of polymer. It was good, slightly messy, fun. The more they worked the goo, however, the better it became.
The main attraction of the second day, however, was when the children got to 'walk on water'. The exercise began with a boat ride, during which the story about Peter walking to Jesus through the stormy sea was read. There were sound effects and atmosphere. The children were then presented with a container of a substance not quite liquid and not quite solid. If one walked across quickly, one could walk on 'water' without sinking.
The children then watched a film about Chatter the Chipmunk that taught them through the tree days that it was ok to tell other people about Jesus. The message was that Jesus is our special friend.
Day Three included the Bible story about the two thieves that were also crucified with Christ.
The children were given stickers with sad faces on them, which represented our sins.
They stuck their stickers onto the two smaller crosses. Stacy then explained how when Jesus accepted the repentance of the one thief that all of his sins, (and ours) were placed upon Him (Jesus).
She pulled each of the sad stickers off and applied them to the central cross and it was a very moving depiction of what happened.
She followed through with another scientific experiment in which a beaker of black icky liquid was poured into clean water, (our sins that pollute our lives). When we repent and accept Christ, however....
Stacy began to pour in liquid from another beaker and the darkness began to change miraculously.... Jesus cleanses us of our sins.
The children enjoyed the lessons and the activities and so did the 'photographer'. Those who attended were indeed blessed. In fact, Rylie, the youngest of the children is reported to have asked older sister, Bailey, when she could go back and learn more about God!
There is a thirst and innocence in children that we should all emulate. Are we not to approach God with the belief of a child?