Sunday, December 23, 2007


Pastor Graham's Christmas Shepherd Sermon

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The "before & after" photos, above, of Pastor Graham represent his unannounced, dramatic pulpit switch (during the choir's performance) from robed Elder to rugged shepherd in first-century headgear. It was the Pastor's method of emphasizing just how unexpected was God's choice of those first long-ago hearers of The Word. Pastor Graham's sermon today was told in the first-person voice of a shepherd who was there to hear the Angel, to see the Glory and to view the Baby Jesus in a manger. As Pastor Graham concluded his message, he described the life-changing impact of such a unique experience, reminding the congregation that we, too, are expected to witness our own experiences with the Good News as we become doers, as well as hearers, of The Word. It was a day, and a sermon, to remember!

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