Sunday, November 25, 2007
Christ The King Sunday at Tinney Chapel
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Tinney Chapel Charge Conference 11-18-07

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Tinney Chapel United Methodist Church
Annual Charge Conference
I Love to Tell the Story
November 18, 2007 By Elaine Knoop, Recording Secretary
The annual charge conference of Tinney Chapel was called to order at 10:00 a.m. by Dr. Keith Boone, District Superintendent of the Paris-Sulphur Springs District. There were 28 members in attendance. Dr. Boone brought greetings from Bishop Alfred Norris.
Our opening hymn was the first two verses of I Love to Tell the Story. Dr. Boone explained to the congregation the meaning and purpose of “Holy Conferencing." He went on to explain that we all have stories to tell: We tell about Tinney Chapel and how God has worked in our lives; we tell how the Good News changes our lives forever; and we have a method to go out and make disciples of all people.
The congregation then had an opportunity to share the telling of our stories. Joe Dan Boyd, speaking for Carolyn Beavers, told the story of O.A.S.I.S. (Older Adults Still in Service) and how back in 2005 this group was formed and became a part of Tinney Chapel. They meet monthly and have guest speakers or play games. Because it is important fellowship for those who live alone, they always share in a meal.
Ronny Ellison spoke about our Native American Fellowship. This is another organization that came about from a need within the church. Many of our members are of Native American descent and they needed a way to share their stories with one another and with the community. They meet in the Family Life Center on the third Thursday of each month.
Elaine Knoop spoke for the Missions Committee, and for the month of November the church is participating in a blanket drive. We ended up collecting 45 blankets and these were taken to the "Blessing Box" in Winnsboro where they will be handed out to those needing a warm blanket this winter. In December the church has been asked by the Blessing Box to collect canned hams, bags of rice, and bags of beans. These three items will be packaged together to be handed out by the Blessing Box to those in need.
Peggy Boyd told the congregation about the two Bible Studies that were held for the ladies this past year. The first was "The Life Changing Power in the Name of Jesus", and the second was, "The Life Changing Power in the Blood". Peggy also told of the many blessing received by working as a team member for "Residents Encounter Christ" at the Johnston Unit here in Winnsboro. Tinney Chapel has had seven members work on the teams this past year.
We shared our stories and then the congregation joined in singing the third verse of I Love to Tell the Story.
Our 2008 budget was presented by Zonnie Griffin, Chair of the Finance Committee. We have a projected income for 2008 of $80,000 and a projected budget of $83,662. We have no doubt that we will meet our budget.
Rev. Duncan Graham then gave a report on the Leadership for 2008 (see the related posting on our church’s lay leadership) and told Tinney Chapel's story of how we paid off the mortgage of our new Family Life Center this year as well as building new offices in the old fellowship hall for the Pastor and the Church Secretary. Tinney Chapel is truly blessed and will have many more stories to tell in the future.
Dr. Boone gave closing comments and apologized for scheduling our Charge Conference during our regular Sunday School time. We want him to come next time when he can stay for lunch with us. Dr. Boone reminded us of a quote by Billy Graham, who said, "Methodist was the greatest denomination that had fallen asleep, and we need to wake up". Dr. Boone also spoke about retirement and reminded us that we can retire from our professions, but we "can not retire from God's service, we are to be disciples 24/7/365".
In closing, we sang the fourth verse of I Love to Tell the Story, and were dismissed at 10:50 a.m.
Respectfully submitted, Elaine Knoop, Recording Secretary.
Tinney Chapel Lay Leadership List: 2008
Positions and Names:
Chair of Administrative Council: Kathy Brown
Assistant AC Chair: Most recent past chair who is present
Lay Leader: Ronny Ellison
Treasurer: Elaine Knoop
Financial Co-Secretaries: Peggy Boyd & Zonnie Griffin
Recording Secretary: Carolyn Beavers
Membership Secretary: Elaine Knoop
Children’s Ministries & Education Chair: Georgia Goggans
Youth Ministries Chair: TBA, Assistant: Jami Smith
Evangelism: Gerry Privette
Missions: Carolyn Beavers
Family Ministries Chair: Marcella Salter
Golden Ministries Co-Chair: Carolyn Beavers, Dick Beavers
Men’s Ministries: Bob Deitering
Ladies Group: TBA
Sunshine Ministries Chair: Frankie Brewer; Assistants, Elaine Knoop, Imogene Myers
Telephone Committee Chair: Mary Marrs.
Members: Emmaline Hallman, Lou Wilkerson, Imogene Myers, Bobbie Hollingsworth
Stewardship Chair: Emmaline Hallman; Assistants, Linda Hallman, Ronny Ellison
Communications Coordinator: Joe Dan Boyd
Lay Members of Annual Conference: David Stanton; Rule 5, Agency Chair: Joe Dan Boyd
Worship Committee Chair: Sadie Jordan
Members: Linda Hallman & others, as needed, to be designated by Worship Committee Chair.
Finance Committee Chair: David Stanton.
Members: AC Chair Kathy Brown, Lay Leader Ronny Ellison, Financial Secretaries Peggy Boyd & Zonnie Griffin, Treasurer Elaine Knoop, Trustee representative (to be elected by Board of Trustees), Joe Doke, George Jordan, & others, as needed, to be designated by Finance Committee Chair.
Pastor-Parish Relations Committee: Chair: Linda Stevens
Members: Lay Member of Annual Conference: David Stanton
Lay Leader: Ronny Ellison
2008 Gerry Privette
2008 Linda Stevens, 2008 Chair
2009 Wanda Hardin
2009 Carl Griffin
2010 Joe Dan Boyd
2010 Sherri Brewer
Trustee Board Chair: (Trustees to elect chair and finance representative)
Members: Pastor: Rev. Duncan Graham (NV)
2008 Gerald Privette
2008 Harold Lenius
2009 Charles Brewer
2009 Betty Asbill
2010 Glen Goggans
2010 Dick Beavers
Nominations (Committee On Lay Leadership)
Pastor: Rev. Duncan Graham (chair)
Members: Lay Leader Ronny Ellison
2008 Derrell Hollingsworth*
2008 Linda Hallman
2009 Peggy Boyd
2009 Sherri Brewer
2010 Carolyn Beavers*
2010 Zonnie Griffin*
(*Nominated and approved at 2007 charge conference, Nov. 18)
Voting Members of the 2008 Administrative Council
Kathy Brown, AC Chair (or past chair when necessary)
Ronny Ellison, Lay Leader
Elaine Knoop, Treasurer
Peggy Boyd Co-Financial Secretary
Zonnie Griffin Co-Financial Secretary
Carolyn Beavers, Recording Secretary, Missions Chair & Golden Co-Chair
Georgia Goggans, Children’s Ministries & Education
TBA & Jami Smith, Co-Youth Ministries
Gerry Privette Evangelism
Dick Beavers Golden Ministries Co-Chair
Marcella Salter Family Ministries
Frankie Brewer, Sunshine Ministries
David Stanton Finance Chair & Lay Member of Annual Conference
Emmaline Hallman Stewardship
Joe Dan Boyd, Communications
Sadie Jordan, Worship
Chairman PPR: Linda Stevens
Chairman Trustees: (to be elected by Board of Trustees)
Pastor Duncan Graham (pastor required by BOD)
Men's Ministries Chair Bob Deitering (required by BOD)
Ladies Group Chair (to be elected by Ladies Group) (required by BOD)
Youth Representative (to be elected) (required by BOD)
June Ewing AT LARGE
Josephine Garrett AT LARGE
Denise Fowler AT LARGE
BOD=Book of Discipline
When two persons jointly hold a position that entails membership on the church council, both may be members of it.
Tinney Chapel Laity Report: 2007

Tinney Chapel United Methodist Church
Laity Report, 2007 by Charles Brewer
The Congregation at Tinney Chapel United Methodist Church submits this laity report to the Charge Conference for 2007. This church is an active part of the Winnsboro Community. The laity, led by Pastor Duncan Graham, has carried forth the work of Christ to the best of our ability through worship, evangelism, missions and nurture.
WORSHIP: At present we are implementing a combined worship service, blending contemporary praise and worship music into a traditional worship service.
Our choir works hard all year practicing on Wednesday nights after Bible Study. The members are very faithful and willing to serve in our ministry of music. The choir sings most Sundays during worship service.
At Christmas and Easter, the choir is honored to present their annual cantata to the residents of the two Winnsboro nursing homes. We are often asked to do special music for other church congregations. Mrs. Pat Hollingsworth, church pianist and choir director, says, "The choir is truly willing to serve and perform when called upon, and they give God the glory for their talent and ability given to them by Him."
Average attendance is 60 at our 11 :00 a.m. service. The church had three ladies attend the Walk to Emmaus this year, and encourages others to experience what they have experienced .
EVANGELISM: When we have visitors, we show hospitality and present first-time visitors with Tinney Chapel coffee mugs to remind them to come back again.
Sunday School continues to be well attended. Our new Family Life Center is bustling with activity each Sunday as six adult and one children's class meet.
We provide occasional news items to the local newspaper. One of our own members is on the Conference Communications Commission. In addition, our church office produces a monthly newsletter. The "Tinney Chapel Times" is mailed to members and to visitors.
Rural Life Sunday was well attended this year. This event is a favorite with the children and their guests. This year we were honored to have Rev. Jim Dorff as a guest speaker .
MISSIONS: The church continues to collect canned goods and money for local community ministries. Some individuals help local missionaries in foreign fields.
Our Ladies Group was successful in fundraising this year through a community garage sale and the Christmas craft sale. The Ladies Group made special contributions to the Winnsboro Community Ministries; the Northeast Texas Child Advocacy Center; Christmas in July for the Holy Highway Girls Home; the Methodist Home in Waco and made contributions to Morgan's Mercy Mansion in Winnsboro. They also contributed to Teen Challenge Ranch with goods and monetary support.
There were two missionaries who came and gave talks this year. Dan Hubbell gave an account of his mission work in China. The congregation also heard from the Ramsey family who gave a report of their mission work in China.
The congregation again this year is currently participating in a blanket drive for a local outreach organization.
The Sunday School classes contribute to emergency needs as well as special offerings. Individuals also give to the Methodist Home, Golden Cross, World Communion Sunday, the Gideons and any need that is brought to our attention.
Several church members, headed up by David and Mollie Stanton, participated in a team for the 3-day program known as Residents Encounter Christ. This took place at the Johnston Unit here in Winnsboro.
PHYSICAL CHANGES: Tinney Chapel is still expanding and improving our facilities. This year a new Pastor's office and Secretary's office were constructed in the old fellowship hall. This was all done with volunteer labor from the church.
YOUTH & FAMILY ACTIVITIES: Church family activities include soup suppers, breakfasts, ice cream suppers, and fish frys. The church continues its traditional 4th Sunday dinners.
The Tinney Chapel Men's Ministries, now in its' seventh year meets the first Saturday of the month for breakfast, devotionals, fellowship and planning fundraisers for various church projects. This group hosts an annual fish fry and also a barbecue dinner complete with the Jim Asbill Cowboy Poetry Gathering.
In February, 2005, the church added a ministry known as OASIS (Older Adults Still in Service). This group continues to be very active, and places emphasis on fellowship within the group through various planned activities and identifying ways to give back to others in the church and in the community. Average attendance for activities is 20, and anyone in any age group may participate. OASIS meets monthly, and activities include group meals, games, going out to eat, stuffing the plastic Easter eggs for the children, attending concerts, and picnics. OASIS is led by Dick and Carolyn Beavers. Although the church budgets money for this ministry, it has always been funded entirely by donations.
In closing, 2007 has been another eventful year in the life of Tinney Chapel. I encourage us all to work together through the challenges of building our church for the Kingdom of God .
Respectfully submitted, Charles Brewer, Lay Leader, 197 County Road 4800, Winnsboro. Texas 75494 .