Sunday, September 30, 2007
Rev. Jim Dorff, NTC Provost, is Guest Preacher on Rural Life Sunday
Rural Games at Tinney Chapel on Rural Life Sunday Afternoon 09-30-07
A Rural Pastor For Rural Life Sundays at Tinney Chapel
Saturday, September 29, 2007
Rural Games Take Center Stage Each Rural Life Sunday at Tinney Chapel
Friday, September 28, 2007
VIP Guests To Attend Rural Life Sunday at Tinney Chapel, Sept. 30

Rural Life Sunday at Tinney Chapel UMC
September 30, 2007
It's Denim Day All Day!
Plenty To Eat For Everyone
Ladies Bring Desserts Only
Celebrate our Rural Heritage
Guests include Rev. Dr. Joan LaBarr (shown at top above when she was Tinney Chapel's guest preacher at 2002 Rural Life Sunday).
& Communications Fellow Milse Furtado, both representing NTC Reporter Newspaper. (Milse & Joan shown in middle photo above).
Sunday School: 9:30 a.m., Fellowship & Announcements: 10:30 a.m.
Worship Message, 11:00 a.m., by Rev. Jim Dorff, Area Provost, North Texas Conference, UMC, and recently endorsed as a candidate for Bishop (see bottom photo immediately above).
Sunday, September 23, 2007
A Day At Tinney Chapel 09-23-07
Saturday, September 22, 2007
Residents Encounter Christ (REC) Training Today at Tinney Chapel
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Tinney Chapel Pilgrims embark on 3-day Walk To Emmaus
Click on any image to view in larger format.
Thursday evening was "sendoff" for three Tinney Chapel Pilgrims on Northeast Texas Emmaus Women's Walk #07-95: Jenna Nelson, Carol Mayfield and Pat Hollingsworth. The three were escorted to the event at Lone Star by their sponsors: Mollie Stanton, Carolyn Beavers and Elaine Knoop. Others assisting were previous Emmaus Walk Pilgrims: Doris Miller, David Stanton, Peggy Boyd & Joe Dan Boyd.
En route to the event, the three-car caravan stopped at the Bo Pilgrim Prayer Chapel in Pittsburg to spend a few minutes inside reading the Emmaus Walk Scripture, Luke 24:13-35, and admiring the beautiful stained glass panels.
Outside, the three Pilgrims posed for pictures at the famous Divine Servant sculpture and "helped" the Lord Jesus wash the feet of the Apostle Peter. Please see the photo collage, and other images above, for an idea of how that happened. Just visiting the sculpture is an awe-inspiring occasion. But, to "participate" in the foot-washing is indeed a most solemn, unforgettable ritual. This can be especially true when one is about to embark upon an intense, often life-changing, 72-hour journey of spiritual renewal, such as the Walk To Emmaus.
Once at the Emmaus Walk site, all hands enjoyed a covered dish meal, helped to encourage the Tinney Chapel UMC Pilgrims, and others from all over East Texas, then spent time praying for the success of each Pilgrim on the Walk, which will continue through the early evening of Sunday, September 23.
Getting Ready To Walk To Emmaus
The intense 72-hour event of spiritual renewal, known as The Walk To Emmaus, often changes lives, routinely creates new interest in personal ministry and frequently jump starts the gradual development of newly energized church leaders. Please pray for the success of our Tinney Chapel Pilgrims on this Walk: Jenna Nelson, Carol Mayfield and Pat Hollingsworth.
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
OASIS Group Hears Dan Hubbell View Life With a Missionary's Heart
Observations by Joe Dan Boyd
ON THE ROAD AGAIN! That phrase identifies not just the well-traveled singer Willie Nelson! It also describes Winnsboro’s own Rev. Dan Hubbell, one of God’s obedient, globe-trotting, go-to guys, frequently on long missionary journeys, usually in dangerous locales where his liberty or life is at stake. Otherwise, Rev. Dan may simply wait for the Holy Spirit to issue new missionary marching orders from the quiet solitude of his home in Winnsboro, a town he regards as his personal version of Antioch, home base and launching pad for another well-traveled missionary, the early church Apostle Paul.
TINNEY CHAPEL’S OASIS GROUP heard Rev. Dan answer questions recently about his seven missionary journeys to mainland China, where he is known as “Dan Bobo,” an affectionate Chinese designation for “favorite great uncle.” There, his mission is to the 100-million-plus “underground” Christians who are unwilling to join the eight million registered members of an officially sanctioned, and highly regimented, government Christian church.
THE OFFICIAL CHINESE VERSION OF CHRISTIANITY prohibits teaching from the Book of Revelation, prohibits teaching that Jesus is the only way of salvation and prohibits church membership or participation by anyone under the age of 18. Such an attitude also prohibits the very existence of an “underground” Christian church, which means that Rev. Dan’s teaching in China is always done behind closed doors and covered windows in crowded rooms or sometimes in caves, reminiscent of some early church Christians who hid out in catacombs to escape persecution.
GOD’S PRESENCE PERMEATES SUCH PLACES, emphasizes Rev. Dan, who attributes such cogent charisma to a powerfully high faith level among Chinese Christians, another trait reminiscent of the early church. Rev. Dan also believes that such a forceful faith level accounts for miracles that he has personally witnessed in China’s underground church.
REV. DAN’S APOSTOLIC CALLING is still in full swing as he prepares, at age 71, for his third missionary journey to the Philippines and his first missionary journey to India. Not bad for a go-to guy who signs all correspondence as “His servant, from a hired house in Winnsboro, Texas, USA!”
For more on Rev. Dan Hubbell, go to
Monday, September 17, 2007
Tinney Chapel Church Conference Authorizes Church Office Project
Funds for the new office project will come from the church's existing building fund.
Present at this Church Conference: Pastor Duncan Graham & Elaine Graham, Joe Dan & Peggy Boyd, Dick & Carolyn Beavers, Carl & Zonnie Griffin, Linda Burdett, Sadie Jordan, Doris Miller, Bill & Elaine Knoop, Bob & Alice Deitering, Helen Miller, June Ewing, Lennie Norlock, Mary Marrs, Charles & Sherri Brewer, Gerald & Joy Privette, Gerry Privette, Jean Anderson, Kathy Brown, Wanda Hardin, Frankie Brewer, G.W. & Winona Bithell, Bill & Linda Stevens, Derrell Hollingsworth, Linda & Emmaline Hallman.
The first vote, whether or not to build offices at all, passed, 27 to 8, on a vote by written ballot.
The second vote, also by written ballot, favored, by a 30 to 2 margin, the proposal described above, instead of a more elaborate proposal, estimated to cost $9,450.
Key leaders of the newly authorized church office project are Gerald Privette and Bill Knoop.