Monday, July 30, 2007
Tinney Chapel Patriarch Louis Newton turns 93
Sunday, July 29, 2007
Tinney Chapel Worship Collage 07-29-07
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Welcome to the Tinney Chapel Nursery Ministry

The Tinney Chapel Nursery is presently staffed with volunteer church members. A Committee of church leaders, led by Linda Stevens, has joined together to revitalize the nursery program by developing guidelines and procedures for this very important ministry.
The Tinney Chapel Nursery Program provides a caring, safe, warm and comforting Christian environment for our youngest members and visitors. Two caregivers from 9:15 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. staff the nursery each Sunday for infants, toddlers and children through four (4) years of age. All children in the nursery are cared for by adults.
We strive to provide a healthy and safe environment for the children. Changing tables are equipped with antibacterial soap and disposable gloves. Toys and equipment are cleaned and disinfected regularly.
Members of the Nursery Committee (in the picture above) are Pastor Duncan Graham, Sadie Jordan, Kathy Brown, Marcella Salter, Linda Stevens and David Stanton (not pictured).
Nursery volunteers include Frankie Brewer, Kathy Brown, Alice Deitering, Georgia & Glenn Goggans, Carl & Zonnie Griffin, Emmaline Hallman, Sadie Jordan, Mary Marrs, Jenna Nelson, Roger & Sharon Schneider, Mollie & David Stanton, Linda & Bill Stevens.