Sunday, March 27, 2005
Easter Sunday at Tinney Chapel: 03-27-05
Greeter: Betty Asbill & Roger Schneider
Sound: Bob Deitering
Ushers: Bob Deitering & Roger Schneider.
Pianist: Pat Hollingsworth.
Songleader for hymns: Angela Wylie.
Songs: Christ Arose, He Lives, Sanctuary, Because He Lives.
SPECIAL MUSIC by Tinney Chapel Choir, director Pat Hollingsworth:
A Lamb Will Lead Us Home/We Fall Down/Worthy! The Lamb
Choir singers today included: Alice Deitering, Angela Wylie, Bobbie Hollingsworth, Linda Hallman, Emmaline Hallman, Sadie Jordan, Stacey Stanley, Randy Stanley, Ronny Ellison, David Wylie, George Jordan, Clay Spears, Jami Smith, Marcella Salter, Angel Hensley, Christi Noble, Derrell Hollingsworth.
Call to Worship & Opening Prayer: Rev. Gene Miller.
Morning Prayer & Lord’s Prayer: Pastor Duncan Graham
Offertory Prayer
Gloria Patri
Apostles Creed
“Well, gang, this is The Day!” Thus did Senior Pastor Rev. Duncan Graham greet the Tinney Chapel Children today, followed by a discussion of the traditional Easter Egg Hunt, scheduled for inside the family life center today because of inclement weather. The Pastor told the Children about his own boyhood days when kids were limited to hen eggs which were boiled and colored by families. He described the various color processes of his day, including dye transfer paper designs and wax pencil technology. “We had a lot of fun doing it,” concluded the Pastor.
Today’s plastic eggs came up for discussion, and Pastor Graham was prepared with plastic eggs filled with visual aids for his Easter Lesson with the Children. “It’s not about the eggs; it’s about what’s inside,” he declared, as he and the Children opened the educational eggs to see just what was inside.
A cross came out first: “It’s a cross that was made by Associate Pastor Gene Miller and given to me,” explained Pastor Graham. “It reminds me that Jesus went to the cross to die for us, and suffered at Calvary that we might be redeemed.”
Next emerged three nails: “When Jesus went to the cross, he was nailed by his hands and feet to the cross,” said Pastor Graham. “These nails remind me of the anguish and pain that He suffered, and that our sins are forgiven.”
A rock was in the third egg: “This reminds me of the stone that was rolled in front of the grave,” explained the Pastor. “It was intended to keep Him there, but on the morning of the third day, He had risen.”
Nothing was in the fourth egg: “Why?” asked the Pastor. “What does that mean?” “That He was not there in the tomb anymore,” said the Children! “Yes,” said Pastor Graham. “So the meaning of the Easter Egg is that Jesus is not there in the tomb anymore. That’s the real story of Easter.”
In his closing prayer, the Pastor called on Our Gracious Heavenly Father: “We pray that this Easter will be a very special Easter for us and remind us of the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus. May we always proclaim the Glad Shout: Hallelujah, the grave is empty! He is risen! That all this be forever in the hearts of these Children, and that they have Everlasting Life forever. Amen.”
Senior Pastor Rev. Duncan Graham’s sermon title on this Easter Morning was “It Is Finished,” and was based on Matthew 28:1-ff (Click on the link to view Scripture.)
The Pastor began his sermon today by referring to the undraping of the sanctuary, which had been darkened, draped in black, since Maundy Thursday’s Service of Darkness. “This was symbolic of Jesus in the tomb,” explained the Pastor, who also mentioned Friday’s Christian Passover Seder, which included a video by Zola Leavitt. “The Passover Festival has been observed for 3,500 years, making it perhaps the world’s oldest ongoing Festival,” explained Pastor Graham. “During this Passover meal, we re-discovered some of Christianity’s basic roots of Easter.
“We gather to celebrate the Easter resurrection of Jesus Christ, but if we are to understand it, we need to go back a ways,” said the Pastor. “It’s actually a narrative of God working in history with His people. God began all this at least as far back as Abraham, and the people of His Promise with Abraham, when He began working for the atonement and salvation of all of humankind. Later, we see the culmination, when the Israelites were in bondage in Egypt. Moses was chosen by God to bring the Israelites out of bondage, and back into the Promised Land, which was to be a Land of Plenty, flowing with milk and honey.
“It was to be so wonderful that God’s people would forever praise Him for providing it,” said Pastor Graham. “So, in their bondage, they realized that God had not forgotten, but had wonderful plans for them. God told Moses what to do, and you recall all the plagues that were brought on Egypt in the Name of God. Yet, all failed to move the heart of Pharaoh, who remained steadfast in his determination to keep them in bondage.
“So, God visited death, and the angel of death passed through Egypt,” recalled the Pastor. “God told Moses what to tell the people to do to escape the angel of death. Take a lamb without spot or blemish, keep it in the house as a pet until the days are up, when you are to slaughter the lamb at twilight, cut the throat in a kind of Kosher method, and with a bunch of hyssop, put some of the blood on the top and both sides of the doorframes of the houses where you eat the lamb. In this way, the blood of the lamb formed the sign of the cross. He told them that when the angel of death passes through, he will not stop where he sees the blood, and it happened that way.
“So all the firstborn of Egypt died, from the firstborn of Pharaoh, to the firstborn of the prisoner, and the firstborn of all the livestock as well,” explained Pastor Graham. “Many died that night. It was a terrible calamity. But it took that to let God’s people go. So, we begin to see God’s redemption plan. The people of God, the Jews, have celebrated Passover from that day forward, by divine commandment, much as we did here on Friday.
“But, that lamb was not enough for all humankind,” added the Pastor. “For the rest of the history of the world, God sent His Firstborn, always important in family life then, to become the Paschal Lamb or Passover Lamb for the sins of mankind. When He went to the cross, His blood was shed on both horizontal sides of the cross, like both sides of the doorframes, and from His forehead on the Crown of Thorns, like the top of the doorframes. Thus, that Cross became a Doorway to our Redemption! Whoever takes His Blood can overcome the greatest enemy, which is death. As He said, ‘He who believes in Me will live, even though he dies, and whoever lives and believes in Me will never die’.
“For this cause, He shed His blood: The Firstborn became the Sacrifice for our sins,” added Pastor Graham. “But, wait, the narrative is not finished. Three days later, the Firstborn on the Festival of Firstfruits, bears the first fruit of Victory over death. He came back to believers, followers, even from the tomb.
“The Day of Atonement, Yom Kippur, for the Hebrews is in the fall of the year,” explained the Pastor. “It’s the day that all the sins of Israel for the year were atoned by the sacrifice of blood in the Holy of Holies, separated by a heavy curtain, perhaps up to 5” thick. There also was kept the Ark of the Covenant, the Mercy Seat or Throne of God.
“Once a year, the High Priest went behind that curtain to offer the blood sacrifice for the sins of the past year,” said Pastor Graham. “Before doing so, he removed his ornate outer garments, which included bells that tinkled when the High Priest walked, and he entered the Holy of Holies wearing his plain white robe in which he would sprinkle the blood and offer up the prayers. If he came out, then his offerings had been accepted, and the sins were forgiven for another year. If not, there would be serious trouble, so they listened, intently, hoping to hear the sounds of the High Priest’s bells. If, for any reason, the blood was tainted, the High Priest would not have come out alive! Some reports suggest that they sometimes tied a rope around him to pull him out in case that happened.
“So, when the sound of the bells was heard, a great shout went up, said the Pastor. “On that resurrection morning, when Christ was raised, the Sacrifice of Blood by our High Priest was accepted by God the Father, and we have forgiveness. His offering was accepted, our sins are forgiven. We come out of a darkness that only God could illuminate. Today, we have possession of the Reason for a Great Shout, because Jesus is not in the grave: He is risen, indeed!”
WISE ONES, Frankie Brewer: Power For Living.
LADIES BYKOTA CLASS, Peggy Boyd: The Risen Savior.
TINNEY CHAPEL MEN, Bill Knoop: The Case For Christ, a study by Lee Strobel.
OVERCOMERS, Jenna Nelson: The Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren.
YOUTH, Ronny Ellison: Life Lessons from 1 & 2 Peter, a study by Max Lucado.
CHILDREN, Linda Hallman: Easter: The Stone Is Rolled Away.
REMNANT, Joe Dan Boyd: Proverbs Chapter 3.
The Remnant Righteousness handout # 260 is below:
Life lessons # 260 from studying Proverbs 3 and related Scripture:
1. The steps of the young man are now steps of responsibility, says commentator Vernon McGee: “The boy is coming in contact with reality and his steps need to be ordered according to the Word of God.
2. John Wesley summarizes this chapter: We are exhorted to be steadily religious, to trust God, to fear Him, to honor Him with our substance, to bear affliction well, to praise wisdom & its good effects, to guard against uncharitableness, strife and envy.
3. We learn not to cast away our confidence, and that our confidence is the Lord or is in the Lord, says commentator John Gill.
4. It is the Holy Spirit’s work to write Mercy and Truth on our hearts, and it is our work, under divine influence, to image both in our conduct and behavior, says Gill.
5. The Message translation cautions: Don’t try to figure out everything on your own, and Gill explains that doing so stands opposed to trusting in the Lord.
6. We are to listen for God’s voice in all that we do, or as Gill says, to know the Lord, set Him before us and always have Him in view.
7. We are to lay out our estate not to please ourselves, but to glorify God, reminds John Wesley, Methodism’s founder.
8. It’s the child He loves that God bothers to correct, so we are not to sulk under it, but rather we are to endure it with patience and cheerfulness.
9. Believers are Spiritual Merchants, believes commentator Gill, who views faith as a trading with and for Christ and for spiritual and heavenly things by Him.
10. The Tree of Life is the only restorer of that Life which we have lost by sin, reminds John Wesley.
11. We are to guard clear thinking and common sense with our lives.
12. We should never walk away from someone who deserves help because, to them, our hand is God’s Hand.
13. The Lord gives proud skeptics a cold shoulder, says The Message translation, but He gives grace to the lowly, says the King James translation.
TODAY’S DATE: 03-27-05
The Remnant
Sunday School Class
Tinney Chapel UMC
Winnsboro, Texas
READ OR REVIEW: Previous Healthy Church Assignments, plus Chapter 21, “Protecting Your Church,” in Rick Warren’s book, The Purpose Driven Life. (Try to locate the book in the library or borrow a copy from a friend.)
Afterwards, reflect upon these things:
1. Let love guide your life, for then the whole church will stay together in perfect harmony.—Colossians 3:14 Living Bible translation.
2. Nothing on earth is more valuable to God than His church.—Rick Warren.
3. We must passionately love the church in spite of its imperfections.—Rick Warren.
4. Practice God’s method for conflict resolution: If a fellow believer hurts you, go and tell him---work it out between the two of you. If he listens, you’ve made a friend. If he won’t listen, take one or two others along so that the presence of witnesses will keep things honest, and try again. If he still won’t listen, tell the church.-–Matthew 18:15-17a—The Message translation.
Readings for Easter Sunday: Acts 10:34-43; Psalm 118:1-2, 14-24; Colossians 3:1-4; John 20:1-18 or Matthew 28:1-10.
Sunday, March 20, 2005
Palm Sunday at Tinney Chapel 03-20-05
From Triumph to Tragedy
Greeter: Elaine Knoop
Sound: Bob Deitering
Ushers: George Jordan & Randy Stanley.
Pianist: Jean Anderson for Pat Hollingsworth.
Songleader for hymns: Angela Wylie.
Songs: The Solid Rock; Great Is Thy Faithfulness; Bless His Holy Name; There Is Power In The Blood.
SPECIAL MUSIC by Tinney Chapel Choir, director Pat Hollingsworth could not attend today’s service:
Jesus What A Savior/We Fall Down/Worthy! The Lamb
Choir singers today included: Josie Garrett, Alice Deitering, Angela Wylie, Bobbie Hollingsworth, Linda Hallman, Sadie Jordan, Stacey Stanley (solo), Randy Stanley, Ronny Ellison, David Wylie, George Jordan, Jami Smith, Marcella Salter.
Call to Worship & Opening Prayer: Rev. Gene Miller.
Morning Prayer & Lord’s Prayer: Pastor Duncan Graham
Offertory Prayer
Gloria Patri
Apostles Creed
“Who is the most important person in the world today?”
That was the unexpected question posed to the children today by Senior Pastor Rev. Duncan Graham. After a few false starts by the kids, Pastor Graham directed the discussion to consider the President of the United States making a hypothetical visit to Winnsboro. He told them that we would likely have a parade with all the usual celebrity trimmings: noisemakers, a black convertible limo and such.
It was the Pastor’s way of introducing the topic of Palm Sunday, when King Jesus made His triumphal entry into Jerusalem, riding on the colt of a donkey. People waved palm branches during that First Century parade, the Pastor told the children. The people were likely just as excited then as we would be today if the President came to town.
In his closing prayer, the Pastor asked our gracious Lord to help us always remember that Day we’ve all heard about, when our King came to town, and that we long for the day that Jesus will come again, and we can be part of the crowd that welcomes Him to rule and reign in His Kingdom. “In His most precious Name we pray,” concluded the Pastor. “Amen.”
Senior Pastor Rev. Duncan Graham’s sermon title today was, “From Triumph To Tragedy,” and was based on John 1:10-11:
1:10 He was in the world, and the world was made through Him, and the world did not know Him.
1:11 He came to His own, and His own did not receive Him.
---New King James Translation
“Some things occurred during Holy Week that must have been divinely orchestrated,” began Pastor Graham, who explained the absence of “standard” public relations advance planning during that First Century event. Yet several events (such as the arrangement for Jesus riding on a donkey’s colt) fell into place that were necessary both for the events of that week, and also to fulfill previous Bible prophecy. “Yet, Jesus only came to the Jerusalem area on Friday, and stayed with friends at Bethany in order to relax. The next day, Saturday, was the Jewish Sabbath, which Jesus always observed.
“People had likely heard about Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead and were curious to see him,” added Pastor Graham. “People came to join the happy chorus, and they were excited. The big question was this: Did Jesus really know and understand where He was headed and what would happen? The answer, of course, is YES. He was on a collision course with the order of the day and with the work of evil in the world. Yes, Jesus knew and accepted wholeheartedly the outcome of that event by which He would overcome death, the wages of sin.
“His task was to overcome and win the final victory,” added the Pastor. “So, Jesus set His face resolutely to conquer the greatest enemy of mankind. In doing so, and without any advance planning, He rode the colt of a donkey that had not been ridden before, fulfilling the prophecy of Zechariah 9:9:
9:9 "Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion! Shout, O daughter of Jerusalem! Behold, your King is coming to you; He is just and having salvation, Lowly and riding on a donkey, A colt, the foal of a donkey. ---New King James Translation
“Jesus, as a mortal, could not have arranged for all the events to take place as they did, but God could,” explained Pastor Graham. “If the powers-that-be-in-Jerusalem had understood what was taking place at that time, they would have done everything in their power to change the outcome. They were jealous, envious and afraid, because Jesus was a threat to the way they taught religion. He could remove the wealth and power that was then associated with the way they practiced religion. They wanted Jesus dead!
“So, it would not have been in their interests to have allowed Jesus to become a martyr, a kind of paschal lamb that would be worshipped,” said Pastor Graham. “So, they would not have allowed his crucifixion to take place that week. But, because events were orchestrated by God, the arrest, the mock trial, the torture and the crucifixion all did take place that week. It was divinely ordained. It was planned by God, and the people did not know what was going on. They had no opportunity to change things. They were blind to what was going on.
“Thus, we see Jesus make His triumphal entry, and on Monday, He cleansed the Temple,” added the Pastor. “That was not the thing to do if your goal was to win friends and influence people. Instead, Jesus was into righteousness! He accepted nothing less than total following of God, and so He made more enemies when He cleansed the Temple on Monday and discoursed on Tuesday. Jesus laid before the people the things of Life, rather than judgment. On Wednesday, the Scriptures are silent about His activities. Some scholars think Jesus rested, but I don’t think so. It seems unlike Jesus to take a day off and rest during what He knew would be His final week of human life on earth.
“On Thursday, He prepared for the Passover in the Upper Room with His disciples,” explained Pastor Graham. “There, Jesus instituted for us what we now call a memorial service of Holy Communion, the Lord’s Supper and the Eucharist. Thus, the Passover Meal took on a new meaning with the Body and Blood of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ: Do this in remembrance of Me. A very special and Holy moment evolved from that Last Supper. Remember the roots going back to Egypt and the first Passover. It is now fulfilled in its greatest meaning and takes away our sins.
“Then Jesus was arrested, tried in a mock trial, tortured that night and went to the cross on Friday,” added Pastor Graham. “Throughout this week, we remember what Jesus suffered, and what He accomplished. We will have the Maundy Thursday service, and in faith He is here to celebrate it with us. On Friday, we will have the Seder celebration in Fellowship Hall, a type of Christian Passover Meal. Then, on Sunday morning, we will celebrate the Resurrection of Easter Sunday. That, of course, is the highest holiday in the Christian calendar.
“The Resurrection of Jesus was the first fruits of Life Everlasting,” explained the Pastor. “It is ordained by God in Faith, and was orchestrated by God with the greatest care: Whosoever liveth and believeth in Me shall never die!
“So, the triumphal entry begins with great cheers, which soon turn to jeers,” said Pastor Graham. “It turns to seeming tragedy when our Savior is treated so cruelly and died on the cross, but He emerges victorious. What begins in triumph ends in seeming tragedy, but becomes the greatest victory of all: Eternal Life.”
In his closing prayer, Pastor Graham said, “Oh, gracious, heavenly Father, may we understand all the events in the last week of Jesus’ life on earth, and believe and follow the ways of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. We look for and long for His Return when His Kingdom will be on earth as it is in heaven. In His most precious Name, we pray. Amen.”
WISE ONES, Frankie Brewer: Praising Through Faith.
LADIES BYKOTA CLASS, Peggy Boyd: Demonstrate Your Trust In God.
TINNEY CHAPEL MEN, Bill Knoop: The Case For Christ, a study by Lee Strobel.
OVERCOMERS, Jenna Nelson: The Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren.
YOUTH, Ronny Ellison: Life Lessons from 1 & 2 Peter, a study by Max Lucado.
CHILDREN, Linda Hallman: Sit, Wait & Pray.
REMNANT, Joe Dan Boyd: Proverbs Chapter 2.
The Remnant Righteousness handout # 259 is below:
1. Solomon shows that they who diligently seek wisdom shall find it, says Methodist founder John Wesley.
2. Proverbs challenges a young man to be a wise young man, says commentator J. Vernon McGee.
3. He also says the way to find out about the Lord is through His Word.
4. But, Proverbs 2 makes it clear that if one is to know the will and Word of God, that person will have to study, adds McGee.
5. The sayings of God are to be received, adds McGee, and his commandments are to be stored up with your other valuables.
6. When Proverbs says to incline thine ear unto wisdom, McGee says this means allowing something to enter the head through the ear gate, but its final destination is the heart.
7. When the Word of God gets into the heart, it brings understanding, contends commentator McGee.
8. We should go after knowledge of the Word of God as if we are mining, adds McGee, looking for something very valuable.
9. John Wesley puts it like this: Seek with unwearied diligence and earnest desire and patient expectation.
10. Don’t let devotional reading substitute for serious Bible study: McGee says there is no easy, pious way of learning, and no substitute for just digging it out.
11. Let the Holy Spirit reveal God’s Word to you, advises McGee, who emphasizes that this can sometimes result in a greater knowledge of the Word of God than is found in others with a Ph.D or Th.D.
12. You must come to the Word of God, adds McGee.
13. Proverbs 2 teaches that the child of God has two enemies: the “evil man” and the “strange woman.”
14. The path of duty is the way of safety, says the Clarke Commentary of Proverbs 2:18.
TODAY’S DATE: 03-20-05
The Remnant
Sunday School Class
Tinney Chapel UMC
Winnsboro, Texas
1. Trust & honor God.
2. Write love & faithfulness on the tablet of your heart.
3. Don’t be wise in your own eyes.
4. The Lord disciplines those He loves.
5. The Lord will be your confidence.
6. Don’t withhold good to those who deserve it if you have power to act.
7. The wise inherit honor.
Readings for Passion/Palm Sunday: Isaiah 50:4-9a; Psalm 31:9-16; Philippians 2:5-11; Matthew 26:14-27:66 or Matthew 27:11-54; Matthew 21:1-11; Psalm 118:1-2, 19-29.
Sunday, March 13, 2005
Tinney Chapel UMC looks to the future!

"TINNEY CHAPEL UMC, the quintessential country church, looks to the future," proclaimed a front-page feature on our church this past week by the editor of the North Texas Methodist Reporter newspaper. To read the online version of Rev. Dr. Joan LaBarr's article, click HERE
Photo by David Stanton.
GREETERS: George Jordan & Matthew Stanley.
SOUNDMAN: Bob Deitering.
USHERS: Harvey (Buzz) Welch & George Jordan.
SONGLEADER: Angela Wylie.
PIANIST: Pat Hollingsworth.
SONGS: In The Garden; Open My Eyes That I May See; Count Your Blessings.
SPECIAL MUSIC by Tinney Chapel Choir, directed by Pat Hollingsworth:
Sanctuary/The Celebration of the Lamb/Christ the Lord is Risen Today.
Choir singers today included: Josie Garrett, Judy Spears, Alice Deitering, Angela Wylie, Bobbie Hollingsworth, Linda Hallman, Emmaline Hallman, Sadie Jordan, Angel Hensley, Stacey Stanley, Christi Noble, Randy Stanley, Ronny Ellison, David Wylie, George Jordan, Derrell Hollingsworth.
Call to Worship & Opening Prayer: Rev. Gene Miller.
Morning Prayer & Lord’s Prayer: Pastor Duncan Graham
Offertory Prayer
Gloria Patri
Apostles Creed
Senior Pastor Rev. Duncan Graham reminded the children that Thursday, March 17, is St. Patrick’s Day. Some of what we think we know about St. Patrick may be the result of slight exaggeration by Irish storytellers over the centuries, the Pastor suggested. “We do know, however, that he was born in Wales about 385 A.D.,” said Pastor Graham. “And, we know that St. Patrick was sold into slavery at the age of 16. We know, too, that he worked for about six years as a shepherd, and that he studied during that time, eventually becoming interested in religious studies.
“St. Patrick escaped slavery, and became a missionary to Ireland, with a goal of converting the country to Christianity,” added Pastor Graham. “Over the next 30 years, despite being arrested several times, St. Patrick became successful in his efforts to convert Ireland to Christianity. During his ministry, we know that he was credited with many great accomplishments, including some miracles, before his death at the age of 76.
“That St. Patrick’s Day is still celebrated today, and is a big event even in this country speaks to his enduring legacy,” said the Pastor. “One of the things that brought him fame was his use of the Irish Shamrock (a 3-leaf clover) to symbolize the Holy Trinity of Father, Son and Holy Spirit. St. Patrick said that all three leaves stemmed from the same source, and that each leaf was a separate manifestation of God.”
The Pastor distributed to each child a 3-leaf clover smiley-face pin to wear in honor of the upcoming St. Patrick’s Day. In his closing prayer, the Pastor called on our gracious, heavenly Father to help the children always remember the meaning of the Holy Trinity and the Presence in all our lives of the Father, the Son and the indwelling Holy Spirit that sustains us. “Strengthen us in our faith, always abounding in love,” concluded the Pastor. “Amen.”
Senior Pastor Rev. Duncan Graham’s sermon topic today was “Temple Discourses: Jesus Speaks in Parables,” To read the New King James Translation of the Pastor’s Scripture for today’s sermon, click on this link: Matthew 25:1-13.
"Today’s Scripture helps us understand some of the responsibilities of the Christian Church as the Bride of Christ," explained the Pastor. "But, perhaps we should also understand that the arranged marriages we read about in Bible times probably did not always occur without at least some input from both the bride and groom as well as the other members of each family. While there was no Biblical equivalent of modern-day dating, we may assume there was some contact between the bride and groom before arrangements got underway for their marriage ceremony.
“Very likely, the groom had a hand in choosing his future bride, perhaps from someone he grew up with, or someone who had caught his eye, and he made that known to his own family,” suggested Pastor Graham. “At some point, the prospective groom would meet with the girl’s parents to tell them about his dowry, and perhaps the girl had something like a hope chest or equivalent of that day. At this point, a contractual relationship was underway.
“But, at a certain point, the prospective bride would be brought into the room during negotiations, and the prospective groom would offer her a cup of wine,” added the Pastor. “If she took the cup and drank the wine, she symbolically accepted him as a prospective husband. If she did not, that was a symbolic message that he should search elsewhere for a bride. So, this was not always a simple matchmaker arrangement in ancient Israel.
“But, once the cup (and thus the prospective groom) was accepted by the prospective bride and her family, the suitor returned to his family to prepare for the bride,” explained Pastor Graham. “This meant that he worked at the task until his father said all was ready. Only then could the groom go to claim his bride, who had also been busy to get herself ready for the coming of the groom. But only the father of the groom knew the day and the hour, so both bride and groom had to adopt a policy of expectancy: Being in constant readiness for the time the groom came to claim his bride, which was usually in the middle of the night, and then proceed to a multiple-day wedding feast.
“While waiting for the groom to come, the bridesmaids carried lighted torches: sticks or poles wrapped with rags that had been saturated in oil,” explained the Pastor. “When these burned out, a wise bridesmaid would have brought extra oil to re-saturate the rags and re-light her torch.
“But in today’s Scripture, only five of them were wise,” reminded the Pastor. “The other five were foolish, fell asleep, and upon awakening, found themselves without extra oil to light their way, and so missed out on the procession to the groom’s house. They were not ready! Sadly, tragically, after they scrambled to find new oil and returned, they were not admitted to the wedding feast. Because they had not been ready, the groom knew them not.
“Jesus often taught in parables, and I don’t think it was altogether so that unbelievers would not understand His message,” added Pastor Graham. “I think he also believed that parables caused believers to stop and think!
“When Jesus will return, only the Father knows,” added the Pastor. “But, as the Bride of Christ, the Church should always be making preparations for the return of the Groom. Nothing is more important for the Bride than being ready for the Bridegroom. Certainly, in the culture of ancient Israel, it was the most important thing, although modern society may have a difficult time understanding that.
“But, this is what I would say to the Church: Bride, get ready,” emphasized Pastor Graham. “The attendants are called to be ready as well, and to fail to be ready is to miss out on the Wedding Feast. For us here today, our Lord is calling on us to walk in His Holiness every day with our torches trimmed and the oil representing the Holy Spirit. We are to walk in the Righteousness of the Living Christ every day.
“A friend recently told me about encountering people who are aware that something in their lives is not quite pleasing in God’s sight, and they intend to clear it up one of these days,” the Pastor related. “But, so many never get around to it, and go to their graves without clearing it up, without being ready. I told my friend that it seems equally tragic that some are in that situation, but they also think that a loving God will not condemn them to hell for not clearing up that one item, whatever it might be. After all, they say they are otherwise pretty good folks and do not rob, steal or cheat.
“Yet, Jesus says in today’s Scripture that if you are not prepared, you will not be admitted,” concluded Pastor Graham. “It’s up to you, individually, to be prepared. You will not be assisted just because your friends are prepared, if you are not also walking in righteousness. In this series of sermons on the Temple Discourses, Jesus tells us what we need to be doing. The Bridegroom will come, but we don’t know when or where.
“Sooner or later, we will be called up, and He will either know us as His own or not, and if not, then you can’t come to the Wedding Feast,” said the Pastor. “I believe it’s His desire that all be ready, that all walk in righteous holiness. Still, each person has to make their own decisions on how they will live their lives. Is your life filled with a desire to meet Jesus or is it filled with the pleasures you desire? Do you throw away options to do things for God, in the Name of Jesus Christ, that show Him you are prepared for whatever the hour or do you pursue things that make you happy? He will come, and He will know if you and I are ready. We will soon observe Good Friday and celebrate the Resurrection of Christ, who has already let us know that the decision to be ready is the most important decision in our lives.”
In his closing prayer, the Pastor asked the gracious Lord that our life choices and actions be pleasing in His sight as we try to encourage others toward God’s gift of Everlasting Life. “By Your Grace, help us to be as the five wise virgins, walking in holiness and righteousness in the Name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen.”
WISE ONES, Frankie Brewer: God judges all people.
LADIES BYKOTA CLASS, Elaine Graham for Peggy Boyd: Guarding against sin.
TINNEY CHAPEL MEN, Bill Knoop: The Case For Christ, a study by Lee Strobel.
OVERCOMERS, Jenna Nelson: The Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren.
YOUTH, Ronny Ellison: Life Lessons from 1 & 2 Peter, a study by Max Lucado.
CHILDREN, Linda Hallman: Do this in remembrance of me.
REMNANT, Joe Dan Boyd: Overview of Old Testament Book of Proverbs and study of Chapter 1.
The Remnant Righteousness handout, Life Lessons # 258, is below:
- The social structure ordained & upheld by God in this book entails an inseparable connection between deed and destiny, writes Bruce Waltke in Baker’s Evangelical Dictionary of Biblical Theology.
- While Christianity may regard itself as a faith, says Waltke, the Book of Proverbs, like most of the Bible, regards the faithful as following a way, a life-path.
- Waltke develops this thought with a Road of Life metaphor in which our life-path is determined by specific choices and behavior described in Proverbs.
- The Proverbial path to Abundant Life requires a choice of fellowship with the eternal and living God, a concept rooted in Genesis 2:17, which Waltke interprets to suggest that disruption of fellowship with this source of life means death.
- Wisdom literature regards life as both already and yet to come, says Waltke. The sage emphasizes embracing life now.
- Proverbs contains no unscientific statement or inaccurate observation, which should alert any thinking person that the Book of Proverbs is God-inspired, says commentator J. Vernon McGee.
- The Proverbs do not contradict themselves, while man’s proverbs are often in opposition to each other, notes commentator McGee.
- While the Book of Proverbs seems to be a collection of sayings without any particular regard for orderly arrangement, commentator McGee believes it tells a story that transcends all dispensations.
- The One in this book whose wisdom it is, is none other than the Lord Jesus Christ, declares commentator McGee.
- A thumbnail sketch of every character in the Bible can be found in the Book of Proverbs, says McGee.
- The challenge of the entire Book of Proverbs, McGee believes, is expressed by Proverbs 1:5, and suggests that the truly wise person never stops learning and seeks out the wisdom of others.
- The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom & instruction: Proverbs 1:7.
The Remnant
Sunday School Class
Tinney Chapel UMC
Winnsboro, Texas
1. Turning your ear to wisdom.
2. Applying your heart to understanding.
3. Calling out for insight.
4. Crying aloud for understanding.
5. Protected by discretion.
6. The paths of Life.
Readings for the Fifth Sunday in Lent: Ezekiel 37:1-14; Psalm 130; Romans 8:6-11; John 11:1-45.

Friday, March 11, 2005
Internet Links That We Like
My Church Newslettter, 4 pages, pdf file.
SUMMER CAMP, 2005, Bridgeport Camp & Conference Center, Children, Junior High, Senior High, Music & Art Camps, College Camp, Seek Camp,
For a review of the first nationwide training for the United Methodist Church, HEALTHY CHURCHES TRANSFORMING THE WORLD, JAN. 27-30, Houston, Texas. FOR DETAILS, go to:
The Tinney Chapel UMC blog (Weblog) adds new posts with little advance notice:
Illustrated feature spotlights Arvinell Newton McClaren and her journey with Going To The Chapel, a storyteller history of Tinney Chapel, in the June 25 issue of North Texas Methodist Reporter. This story includes a photo of Arvinell reading from her book at the June 7 historian’s luncheon in Plano, thanks to Angela Wylie, Tinney Chapel’s ace digital photographer and Joan LaBarr, editor of the Reporter:
SIX PHOTOS & CAPTIONS by Maryann Miller about Tinney Chapel groundbreaking ceremony, held on a rainy day, March 14, 2004:
Winnsboro Today story (with photo) about Tinney Chapel's Jim Asbill:
Winnsboro Today story about Tinney Chapel's Joe Dan Boyd:
The book, Judge Jackson & The Colored Sacred Harp, written by Tinney Chapel's Joe Dan Boyd, was recently reviewed by a Harvard University scholar. The review appears in The Alabama Review, an academic journal for historians. To read the review of Joe Dan’s book, go to:
To read Joe Dan’s North Texas Methodist Reporter story, “Friday Night Light Of The World,” about Brother Henry Suche’s 22-year ministry as a “living water boy” for high school football teams, including Winnsboro High School for the past 8 years, go to the link below. Debbie May’s “sideline coach” photo of Brother Henry (b/w in the print version of the newspaper) is in living color at this link for the Nov. 12, 2004 issue:
"Tinney Chapel UMC: The Little Church That Could," is the story of our church's first Marvin T. Judy Award, received in 2002, for excellence in Town & Country Ministry, North Texas Methodist Reporter:
Have you checked out Winnsboro Today? It’s a great online newspaper serving the Greater Winnsboro community:
NEW WEBSITE TO ORDER Lynn Adler’s recent CD reissue of her 1980s gospel LP AND Adler & Hearne’s “Crossroads Trilogy” CD which portrays significant events in this area’s history by Adler & Hearne: “Crossroads” (Winnsboro’s original name), “The Bowery,” and “My East Texas Pineywoods Home,” go to:
LINDY HEARNE'S WEBSITE. Details on Lindy’s CD, “Lifetime Supply, available by mail at PO BOX 979, WINNSBORO, TX 75494 or order via website link below. Price is $15.00 per copy. "It contains some of the Tinney Chapel favorites, such as Prayin' For The Camel and Put Me On The Stove & Call Me Done," says Lindy. :
Lynn Adler’s websites, including details on her CD, “Bird On The Wing,” which contains favorites such as “Lullabye,” “Big City,” and “Rock And A Hard Place.” (you may order some of Lynn’s CDs from this site) (enjoy this site)
Winnsboro Today report of Rev. Dan Hubbell's second China Mission Journey, go to:
Winnsboro Tinney Chapel UMC is in the Paris-Sulphur Springs District, which consists of 51 ministers and 72 congregations. The District is in the Northeastern portion of Texas and includes all or part of Hunt, Lamar, Delta, Fannin, Franklin, Red River, Wood and Hopkins Counties.
Donations for the flood, hurricane and tsunami (tidal wave) victims may be made to The United Methodist Committee on Relief, (UMCOR). This committee is supported by Methodist church apportionments, so all the money that is donated goes to help victims.
To make an ONLINE donation, go to:
For more details on UMCOR, go to:
United Methodist Men Website (Created & maintained by Todd Bristow)
United Methodist Men Weblog (Blog)
Rev. Dr. Wes Magruder is a new Methodist Missionary to Cameroon. (To view Rev. Magruder’s regular ongoing posts from Cameroon, go to:
For the “mother lode” link to Methodism go to: