Sunday, January 09, 2005
Consecration Day at Tinney Chapel UMC: 01-09-05

HEADING THE SERVICE LINE for today's covered dish luncheon, at Tinney Chapel UMC's Service of consecration for a new Family Life & Christian Education Center, were North Texas Conference Bishop Rhymes Moncure, Jr., and his wife Jewell. All photos on this post are by Angela Wylie.
To read Joe Dan Boyd's essay on Bishop Moncure, click HERE

TODAY'S CONSECRATION SERVICE featured Bishop Rhymes Moncure, Jr., left, District Superintendent Pat Beghtel-Mahle, center, and Tinney Chapel Senior Pastor Duncan Graham.

OTHERS ON TODAY'S PROGRAM included Tinney Chapel Associate Pastor Gene Miller, right, and Dr. Joan LaBarr, North Texas Conference Communications Director & Editor of the North Texas Methodist Reporter. Pastor Miller brought the welcome, and Rev. LaBarr delivered the invocation.

READING SCRIPTURE TODAY, prior to Bishop Moncure's sermon, was Rev. Pat Beghtel-Mahle, Superintendent of the Conference's Paris-Sulphur Springs District.

BISHOP MONCURE'S POWERFUL SERMON, Hey, Church, Do You Know Who You Are? inspired and challenged 112 spellbound attendees on this historic day, the first time this 105-year-old church ever hosted a Bishop.

A CALL TO THE CHILDREN was issued by Bishop Moncure. He asked the children to join him as he interacted with Tinney Chapel's Building Committee at the conclusion of today's Service of Consecration for the church's new Family Life & Christian Education Center.

MEMBERS OF THIS BUILDING COMMITTEE gave freely of their considerable talents, and devoted much of the past two-plus years of their lives to a constant series of meetings, deliberations, negotiations and prayerful considerations in realizing the dream that came true today. Not the least of their accomplishments was an astute decision to serve as the building's General Contractor, which resulted in the construction of an 8,000-sq. ft. facility at a cost of about $35 per square foot.
Committee members are, front row: left to right, Dick Beavers, George Jordan, John Futral, Max Newton, Bob Deitering, Wanda Hardin and Stacey Stanley. On stage, in rear of photo, are David Stanton, Chairman, and North Texas Conference Bishop Rhymes Moncure, Jr.
Building Committee Chairman David Stanton also paid tribute to outstanding leadership of the late Jim Asbill, who played a major role in the early stages of this Building Committee's activities. The multi-talented, supremely loyal and completely dedicated Jim Asbill was also Chair of Tinney Chapel UMC Trustees.