Sunday, November 14, 2004
An Award-Winning Storyteller: 11-14-04

GOING TO THE CHAPEL AUTHOR, Arvinell Newton McClaren, was a guest at Tinney Chapel UMC on Saturday, November 13, for the annual Tinney Family Reunion, and again at the quintessential country church's morning worship service on Sunday, November 14. The photo, above, catches Arvinell in a familiar pose: Telling a tale at the Texas Storytelling Festival. Her award-winning book, Going To The Chapel, has been described as a storyteller's history. To read the story behind Arvinell's journey to a storyteller's history, go to

“After Saturday’s successful day at the multi-church CHRISTMAS IN THE PARK sale, the Ladies Group Bazaar total net figure is $3,015.34,” reports Linda Stevens, 2004 event coordinator. This follows Ladies Group treasurer Zonnie Griffin’s earlier report of a $2,491.80 deposit after the original Nov. 6 bazaar sale, lunch cafe and silent auction.
SUPPORT TINNEY CHAPEL KIDS: STILL A FEW TUBS OF SNICKERDOODLE COOKIE DOUGH AVAILABLE FOR JUST $10 EACH. If you ordered Gourmet Cookie Dough earlier, and if you did not pick up your order last Wednesday, or did not pay in advance, please settle accounts with Heidi Crow, so the Kid’s Program can move along on schedule!
To read Joe Dan Boyd's North Texas Methodist Reporter story, “Friday Night Light Of The World,” about Brother Henry Suche’s 22-year ministry as a “living water boy” for high school football teams, including Winnsboro High School for the past 8 years, go to the link below. Debbie May’s “sideline coach” photo of Brother Henry (b/w in the newspaper) is in living color at this link:
DISTRICT DAY in the Paris-Sulphur Springs District, is Monday, November 15, at First UMC Mt. Vernon, featuring NTC Bishop Rhymes Moncure, Jr. Tinney Chapel UMC Senior Pastor Duncan Graham, chair of District Russia Initiative, will report to the Bishop at this event.
It's Wednesday, November 17, 6:00 P.M. AT THE CHRISTIAN EDUCATION CENTER AUDITORIUM. This is a 30-minute drama and music program, so be there to support Tinney Chapel kids! This replaces, for this day only, the usual children’s program activities headed by Sadie Jordan, Heidi Crow and kids choir director, Gabrielle Mattox).
This meeting takes place at 6:30 P.M. on Monday, November 22 at First UMC in beautiful downtown Winnsboro. Tinney Chapel Senior Pastor DUNCAN GRAHAM HAS TOLD First UMC Pastor, BROTHER HENRY SUCHE, THAT TINNEY CHAPEL WILL SUPPORT THIS MEETING which features an appearance by a distinguished UMC pastor from Russia.
Lynn Adler’s recent CD reissue of her 1980s gospel LP, and Adler & Hearne’s “Crossroads Trilogy” CD which portrays significant events in this area’s history by Adler & Hearne (based on historical research by Bill Jones): “Crossroads” (Winnsboro’s original name), “The Bowery,” and “My East Texas Pineywoods Home.” To access this site, go to:
Details on Lindy Hearne’s CD, “Lifetime Supply, available by mail at PO BOX 979, WINNSBORO, TX 75494 or order via his individual website link below. Price is $15.00 per copy. "It contains some of the Tinney Chapel favorites, such as Prayin' For The Camel and Put Me On The Stove & Call Me Done," says Lindy. To access this link, go to:
Lynn Adler has two individual websites. One includes details and order information on her CD, “Bird On The Wing,” which contains favorites such as “Lullabye,” “Big City,” and “Rock And A Hard Place.” To go there, click on
Lynn Adler's second website details her professional background, with emphasis on her writing and editing. To go there, click on
WISE ONES, Frankie Brewer: Resurrection.
LADIES BYKOTA, Peggy Boyd: God’s Authority.
Tinney Chapel Men, Bill Knoop: The Case For Christ, a study by Lee Strobel.
OVERCOMERS: Jenna Nelson: The Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren. (This is a multiple-week study.)
YOUTH: Stephen Graham: Journey Through The Bible (Quiz) Continued.
CHILDREN: Linda Hallman: In The Beginning.
The Remnant Class, Joe Dan Boyd: God’s First Remnant: Noah Walks With God.
The Remnant Class handout is below:
Take home lessons from studying Genesis 6:5-13 and related Scripture:
1. A remnant is described, by Elmer Martens in Baker's Evangelical Dictionary of Biblical Theology, as what is left of a community following a catastrophe, with Noah’s family listed as the first example. He also says that descriptive terms for remnant in the Old Testament derive from 6 roots, and occur 540 times.
2. The term “a remnant will return” (Isaiah 7:3), when applied later to Israel, became even if marginally, a message of hope, concludes Elmer Martens in Baker. Since acceptance with God is not based on merit, a dimension of remnant theology is its message of God’s grace.
3. Paul’s use of the term remnant, in Romans 11, refers to those who accept the Gospel versus the larger body of unbelieving Jews. However, Paul suggests that the exclusion of the larger body is for a limited time, says Martens.
4. In Genesis, God is grieved at human evil on the earth, and prepares both for a flood to destroy life and for a righteous remnant to start life anew. He is disappointed in the failure of His Creation, but refuses to give up on it completely.
5. With the Genesis account of Noah finding grace in the eyes of the Lord, we encounter the Bible’s first entry in its account of the subsequent Grace Race!
6. Here, we also find that Noah walked with God, something that had heretofore been accomplished only by Enoch. John Wesley emphasizes the difficulty of Noah’s task, given the degenerate age in which he walked.
TODAY’S DATE: 11-14-04
Tinney Chapel UMC
The Remnant
Sunday School Class
Winnsboro, Texas
Afterwards, reflect upon these things:
1. Construction of the ark.
2. The type of wood used in the ark.
3. Dimensions of the ark.
4. God’s plan for floodwaters upon the earth.
5. God’s promise of a covenant with Noah.
6. Passengers booked for the voyage of the ark.
Greeters: Roger Schneider, L. R. Kemp and Danny Lake.
Soundman: Bob Deitering.
Ushers: Roger Schneider & L. R. Kemp.
Pianist and Choir Director: Pat Hollingsworth.
Songleader for hymns: John Futral.
Songs: Victory In Jesus, Praise Him! Praise Him! (a Fanny Crosby hymn J), Count Your Blessings, Blessed Assurance (another Fanny Crosby hymnJ). [Can anything surpass a day with TWO Fanny Crosby hymns?]
Life Up Your Hands/When We All Get To Heaven.
Morning Prayer & Lord’s Prayer: Pastor Duncan Graham
Call To Worship
Offertory Prayer
Gloria Patri
Apostles Creed
Senior Pastor Duncan Graham asked the children: “Is there anything you are afraid of: the dark, spiders, snakes, anything at all? Most people are afraid of something. For instance, John Madden, a former coach and now a sports broadcaster, is afraid to fly in an airplane, so he has invested over $800,000, I’ve read, in his own bus to travel all over the country for his broadcast schedule. That’s a lot of money to spend on one’s fear!
“But people have all kinds of fears,” added Pastor Graham. “Did you ever watch Jim Irwin on Animal Planet where he wrestles alligators and other scary creatures? In an interview, he responded to a question by saying that he is always a little afraid, but he also considers that a good sign because a little bit of fear is just enough to keep him on his toes.
“On the other hand, Jesus told us not to let our hearts be troubled because He is always with us,” said the Pastor. “And, Jesus is always true to His promises.” The Pastor handed out word puzzles to each of the children, as well as a separate handout delayed from last week. In his closing prayer, Pastor Graham expressed gratitude for Jesus and His promises, including the certain knowledge that He is always with us, even to the close of the age. The Pastor also asked the Lord to put a guard over each of the young lives represented there today, and to remind them that Jesus is always with them. Finally, the Pastor called on the Lord for strength to go forth with Jesus: “All this in His precious Name. Amen.”
Senior Pastor Rev. Duncan Graham’s sermon title was “Article II: I Believe In Jesus,” based on John 14:1-11:
1 "Let not your heart be troubled; you believe in God, believe also in Me. 2 In My Father's house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. 3 And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself; that where I am, there you may be also.
4 And where I go you know, and the way you know." 5 Thomas said to Him, "Lord, we do not know where You are going, and how can we know the way?" 6 Jesus said to him, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me. 7 "If you had known Me, you would have known My Father also; and from now on you know Him and have seen Him." 8 Philip said to Him, "Lord, show us the Father, and it is sufficient for us." 9 Jesus said to him, "Have I been with you so long, and yet you have not known Me, Philip? He who has seen Me has seen the Father; so how can you say, 'Show us the Father'? 10 Do you not believe that I am in the Father, and the Father in Me? The words that I speak to you I do not speak on My own authority; but the Father who dwells in Me does the works. 11 Believe Me that I am in the Father and the Father in Me, or else believe Me for the sake of the works themselves.
---New King James Version
“This Scripture is normally read at funerals, and rightfully so,” declared Senior Pastor Rev. Duncan Graham. “When we lose loved ones and they are with Jesus, we want and need such words of comfort. This is truly a Scripture packed with meaning and truth that speaks to us at all times, including the message that Jesus will surely come again.
“In liturgical churches, especially, we repeat creeds such as the Apostles Creed,” explained Pastor Graham. “To begin with, this is an ecumenical creed that is recited, often from memory, at virtually all Protestant and Catholic churches. At some time, we may decide to study all the Christian creeds during our Wednesday evening Bible study time.
“But the Apostles Creed allows us to speak to our beliefs in the Creator, Savior, Holy Spirit and the resurrection of the body: All those who are in harmony with Apostolic teaching. It’s a vitally important statement of a heart belief, a Lord-servant relationship. It states the living facts of a Saving Truth. It, the Apostles Creed, lifts us up so we can meditate on the words. If we really stopped to think of what we believe, we would be excited at the Words.
“The Apostles Creed and the Lord’s Prayer should never grow old,” declared the Pastor. “We should never tire of repeating it because we believe so strongly. We start off by saying: I believe...and should be willing to give our lives to it. It was once a required ritual to repeat the Apostles Creed at baptism at a time when persecution was the expected result of taking a public stand, such as baptism, for Jesus.
“But a public stand is required for declaring our faith in Jesus,” added Pastor Graham. “What if we required that recitation of the Apostles Creed today for anyone who is baptized into Christ Jesus? The Apostles Creed says to the world that you are giving your life to the Savior, Jesus Christ. At one time, doing that could take you to a place you would not have wanted to go, until ultimately He took you to Paradise. But these days, we worry more about embarrassment! Back then, in the early church, they didn’t care who knew about their strong faith.
“We say: I believe in Jesus Christ, Son of God,” said Pastor Graham. “It’s saying that we believe Jesus is Lord! I believe it’s one thing to accept Jesus as Savior, and quite another to accept Jesus ad Lord. As your Lord, Jesus has the right to your life! It’s the signal to turn to a New Way: Our absolute commitment that He is the Son of God. To Phillip, in today’s Scripture, Jesus says that when you see Me, you have seen the Father!
“For a long time, I was seeking God,” added the Pastor. “In that mindset, we want to see, hear, taste and touch. Later, I realized that Jesus had revealed God to me. In today’s Scripture, Jesus is being the everlasting, creating God. Elsewhere, Paul asks who would bow and call Him Lord. We have no greater ally on the face of the earth, so we should bow and serve Him as Lord.
“Some will do it by choice,” said Pastor Graham. “And they will acknowledge Him as Lord of all that is! As we stand to repeat the words: I BELIEVE, it’s the faith Christians have believed since the time of Christ, since the Apostles taught it. We say it of our individual faith. We say it of our corporate faith. We are a part of the church. We recite the Apostles Creed and join millions of others in the world who do that in honor of the One who came from the Father, and is of the same substance as the Father.
“The One who lived His life as the Father lived,” added the Pastor. “The One who has the same privileges, the same power and the same love. It’s a very great tradition. It’s the only life-giving tradition in the world: The One who will be revealed in the Second Coming. So, take the time to enjoy the Apostles Creed, reflect on the Words you repeat. Those Words are testimony to Who it is that you believe in: Who you serve. Take comfort in serving the greatest individual who ever lived, the One Who has the power to bless you now and forevermore.”
In his closing prayer, Pastor Graham said he was grateful for those who handed down the Apostles Creed, the Words of Faith, filled with the witness of Truth and the fullness of Christ: “Help us to truly live the faith we recite and say we believe. Amen.”
Readings for twenty-fourth Sunday After Pentecost: Isaiah 65:17-25; Isaiah 12 or Psalm 118; 2 Thessalonians 3:6-13; Luke 21:5-19.